I am sure we all have looked back to our earlier selves and wondered what if? What if I had done something different, what if I had not said those words, what if those clams I had last night where caught off the coast of Japan, these are the kind of questions that has haunted humanity from the beginning of time.
Judy and I were at Castle Rock near our home and we ran into a strange little couple. They were strange not because he was a dentist with really bad teeth but because the two of them had done something that few people ever will.
The two ancient people (he was 96 and she was much younger at 94) came up to us and started talking. I am one to always show respect to my elders but this seemed odd to me. How could they know Judy and I were not some evil couple that had decided to take over the work of Dr. Kevorkian? They seemed geniuanly interested in talking to us.
I started to wonder if they were into some kind of cult and they wanted to save our souls or the souls of our cats but they never mentioned anything of the sort. Instead they went on about how lovely of a couple we were and how we looked like we truly were in love. They went on and on about how they travel the world and meet thousands of people but that there are only a few that they have met in their life time that looked like they actually loved each other by the way they moved, spoke and acted.
This couple held hands, and spoke to each other with wonder in their eyes as they looked at each other. The seemed quite wealthy and spoke of their grand kids who were getting ready to retire but said something I shall remember for the rest of my life..... "We have lots of money and our kids are all successful in business and long marriages but our children see our success in how much we have and we see our success with who we have (each other)."
He said that he was glad to see that there where young people (hey, the dude is 96 so I am young) that understood that no matter what happens in the world to be successful at 96 you have to have that woman who you have loved for years loving you back stronger then ever before.
Sappy enough blog for you? If you know my goal in life then you will understand why I found this couple so endearing.......