
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why People Kill Kids

There will always be crazy people that do things that the rest of civilized society simply does not get. It is human nature to try and make order of chaos so we grasp onto our beliefs, ideas and religion and run with it like an Inca trying to make sense of all the white guys that showed up on big boats.

I am NOT saying that these things did not help push the crazy man over the edge but it is time to be honest, none of these things MADE him do it. We take our preconceived ideas of the way the world runs or should run and then insert our beliefs into everything that does not make sense.

This is a small list of things people tend to blame for what they do not understand.

1) Guns did not make the guy a killer, they were simply a tool.

2) Video games did not make the guy a killer, people have played army, cowboy and Indians and other violent games for eons.

3) Music did not make the guy a killer. Listening to Elton John will not make you gay, listening to Snoop Dog (I know he changed his stage name) will not make you black and listening to Goth will not make you a killer.

4) TV did not make the guy a killer. Not one show on American TV simply hypnotizes you into becoming a killer.

5) The lack of Prayer in school did not make him a killer. There are people who lived in hard core atheistically inclined countries where it was wrong to pray, not just in school but anywhere that never did became killers.

6) Discrimination did not make him a killer. ALL people are discriminated against yet all people do not snap.

7) Hollywood did not make him a killer. Movies have been blamed

8) The news media did not make him do it.

9) Obama, Bush or any other politician did not make him do it. You may HATE the politics of someone but they do NOT have super powers to make people go off and kill children.

10) Gay people did not make him do it. Everyone has an opinion on LGBT people but they do NOT make you a killer of children.

I totally understand that some of these things can push a mentally unstable person over the edge but they are not the root cause of the evil committed. Bad exists in the world and there will always be bad people. Lets not try and blame one thing that fits our beliefs for everything and simply understand that evil exists.

Lets be careful not to start banning everything we do not agree with. As soon as we allow banning to begin then what you hold dearest will be  what is banned next.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What Makes a Family?

Everyone talks about picking friends and say you cannot pick your family but that is simply wrong. There are people who legally are family but I honestly do no care for or care about. I am not going to trash people so this blog is simply about love and what it means.

I am a married guy, thus the name for this blog, and I married a woman who is a widow. To get the "fluff" out of the way I love my wife and her biological daughters are my daughters as well. My biological daughter is hers as well, no doubt about it, daughter of hers and all three girls are honest sisters.

This rant is simply about a conversation that I had with my wife this evening. I had a brother who died in a car accident when I was a teenager. It was horrible, it hurt and while I had friends who tried to comfort me it did not help much. There is nobody that can step in and make things better even though many tried. I am thankful for all who tried but it did not make the pain any easier.

This is where it gets interesting to me, I have a TON of aunts and uncles which also means a bazzillion cousins. When I went to the hospital when my brother was there I had an Aunt show up who was there for my younger brother and I.

Lets add a bit to the story here. My Uncle had divorced her previously ( I do NOT care about the details ) but she came because she was family. It had nothing to do with ill feelings or longings for my Uncle but simply that she was an important part of my dying brothers life and my younger brother's and my life as well.

After many years I am so thankful that she understood that you do pick your family. I know it must have been hard for her to show up with so many people who knew she had divorced but my AUNT did so and I am so glad she did.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Step Daughters

It has been a while since I have posted on this blog, I do appreciate the hundreds of readers each week that is still reading the old stuff but it it time to get back to a married guys thoughts of what is happening.

Judy is not only a great wife but she is also the dream woman that I thought about even as a teenager, come on guys you know what I am talking about. The thing about the love of my life is that she came with the proverbial baggage that so many women (and I assume men) talk, gripe and complain about. How in the world could the love of my life, a widow, come with not just one but TWO children. We are not talking about toddler and a new born but two WOMEN that were fully grown and already had minds of their own.

Ok, I have many readers that already know that I am one of those "evil" right wing conservatives. I am not one of those wackos that hate Jews or Europeans (I will leave that to those on the wacky left) but the love of my life and her daughters are solidly Massachusetts girls. Should I try to change them? Should I try and explain to them how they are now worshiping Satan? Should I now plot and plan on how to move them all to Greece so they could experience the wonders of Socialism or should I accept who they are and love them no matter what?

Here are the facts, you know the time where I tell the truth with no holds barred. I love my daughters and the love me, just do no not ask them because they will dance like banshees around the question. My biological daughter loves them and my "non" biological daughters love her.

When it comes down to the facts of life........ how could a guy  be upset with to fabulous women who accepts him and his daughter as family be a bad thing........ go ahead DM try me. :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eerie Prediction for Election 2012

Bill Buxton was a man who always had a way of seeing “memory images”, as he called them. He would “catch a glimpse” of things that had happened years ago. His family knew of this ability, but did not know of his capability to see into the future. “The Dupe”, one of the stories in this book, will allow the reader to see that capacity first hand.

These stories have minimal editing because we simply wanted Bill to be able to tell his visions and he is no longer with us to help in the process. There are 3 short stories in the book and each is fascinating but the last one is the one that sends chills up so many peoples spines.

The book can be found here for only $2.99 .... Watch Out For The Bicycles

Monday, July 30, 2012

Mutant Crabs

Welcome to the great state of Massachusetts, home of witch trials, drunk Kennedys and mutant creatures that sound like something straight out of The Simpsons. The photo above is of a 3 eyed fish from Argentina (something about a power plant fits into the story) I used the photo of the fish because quite simply I never took any pictures of my mutant crabs.

There were several of us that headed to a beach in Salem not to far from a power plant. The government promises that the water is safe to swim in, catch fish and simply hang out on the beach. We decided to catch a few of the crab around and then let them go, we flipped rocks over and waded through the water and caught tons of them.

The thing that started bothering us were the strange colors that they all were. They came in every color of the rainbow and a few even sported a few extra legs and such. Now I know the color of crabs and even know the number of legs they are supposed to have and these things honestly were freaks. I thought it was kind of funny and just assumed they were an inbred family of shellfish but Judy pointed out how close the power plant was.

I love living here and now that I know that Massachusetts is as cool as The Simpsons and Argentina I am even prouder then ever for choosing to move here.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hippie Woman

There are days when a guy just has to stand around with his mouth hanging open all day simply because he is so slow on getting pop culture that he just assumes the world went nuts. I seem to be having more and more of these days and I guess it is because I am an ancient guy in my 40s.

I am out in public the other day and I start looking around and noticing all of the neo hippie chicks hanging around and trying to look cool. I go into a store and they have upper end hippie rags plastered all over the store and go into a grocery store and notice how much vegetarian hippie food there is. All of this evil hippie movement of course has driven me to the edge of insanity but hey, this too will pass.

There are a few things I just do not get about the latest hippie craze. The first is why anyone would want to dress and act like some antiquated group from the 60's that burned the brains on drugs and smelled awful because of their lack of showers. This seems to me to be about as smart as trying to look like a person in federal prison or a caveman....... why would you want to do it?

The next thing is simply the big bucks being made by big corporations off these left wing wacko, politically correct protesters. You know the people who scream about all of the rich people but love their mall clothes and would be shocked that teachers in America are part of the top 1% income earners when you count the whole world.

Now I have no problem with vegetarians but I have always wondered why a person who hates the thought of eating meat will go out of their way to buy some food product that tastes, looks and feels like meat but contains nothing even close to animal flesh. To my old and musty brain it seems like it would be like a Jewish person loving bacon flavored potato chips because they contain no bacon and are kosher.

This is the way my poor brain is rambling today...... hopefully I will learn to be hip and cool in the near future and understand these oddities.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today I Realized I am Old

Over the last couple of days old age completely crept up on me. I do understand that if you are not old like I am then you simply will not understand the concept that old age just jumps out of the bushes and whacks you over the head, knocks you down and when you finally get your old dusty bones working again and manage to get to your feet you realize you are now old.

I do have to tell you that I do not feel any older then last week and I still do the same stupid stuff and consider music stale and old if it was released more then a few months ago but none of that makes me not old. The realization came from my relationship with my wife, I know you would think it would have to with our girls but they all thought we were old more then a decade ago.

There has now been 4 different times in 6 days that has made me face reality.........

I will not go through each eye opening event because it would be to painful (for me to recall and you to read) but I will tell one story very briefly. My sweetheart who still gets guys who are young enough to be her son to rip their head off their neck when she walks by, and I were walking down the beach holding hands. We were not doing anything more then looking for shells, kicking sand and a little flirting when two girls walked up to us and one said " I really hope that when my boyfriend and I are your ages that we can still be in love like you two."

Now, I like that people think we look like a cute couple, smile at us and aspire to have a relationship like we have but when ever I look around and see what I think is an old couple that are "cute" they are like in their 70's...... I guess now it is time for me to wear my paints up to my arm pits, eat dinner at 3:30 and drive like I am in a bumper car and there is nobody else on the street.

But I will still flirt with my wife no matter how old I am.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I am woman, hear me complain

I am woman, ok, not really a woman but at least I know how women feel. If you really want to get technical on all of this the honest truth is that I am so un PC that I am happy to admit that I do not even have an itty bitty bit  of a feminine side to enhance let alone explore. Just call me an unrefined, conservative, wacko and you will most assuredly get me right.

Let me explain my new found understanding of women.... you do need to follow along because quite frankly this blog entry is probably more insane then most of the others that I have posted and did so with great embarrassment later.

I am a Kansas City Chiefs fan (see, I told you this was embarrassing) so I proudly wear my Chiefs shirt in public, even though I live in the Boston area. I actually had the guts to scoot around town today in my KC Chiefs shirt and was totally amazed at the reaction of people.... It made me realize what it was like to be a woman in modern American.

Ok, I know that you are totally lost with me finding a deep understanding with how  women feel because I wore a shirt with a simple NFL logo on it but it is true. Every where I went today people acted strange. I will give you an example of the strangeness..... I went in to pay for a bit of gas today and the jerk behind the counter NEVER looked at my face, he simply looked at my chest and smiled. The same thing happened at the  grocery store. Instead of looking at my face they all looked at the logo on my chest.

I finally had enough of this obvious sexual  harassment and told the last guy that my eyes are not on my chest but instead he needed to pull his gaze up a foot or so...... the next time a woman complains about guys not looking at them I will be able to say honestly that I feel their pain.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


There are times in life when a guy just has to admit that he ain't the smartest thing on the block. It is well known that I am not always there when it comes to skills in the kitchen, if I had to cook for Fat Albert he would end up as some sort of anorexic that was one day away from starving to death. I fully understand the idea of nasty food, I was at Cuzco Peru and ate a wonderful rotten fish dish that made me throw up and actually see the meals I had eaten the month before but this time I had a great idea. It seemed quite simple, bacon and lots of it in a cake.... this means bacon in the cake, bacon in the icing and bacon as the decoration.

I have a wonderful wife, she is sexy, beautiful and smart, in this case smart might not be an attribute. I had a friend on Facebook that had the gull to post on my wall a picture of a chocolate cake with bacon on top of it. I thought that since I was not only a guy but a real he-man kind of guy that I could out do any photo of a simple cake with bacon on the top.

Judy, the love of my life, explained to me that I could make my  dream cake if I could follow a couple of rules... 1. I had to put it together outside (mix it).
2. I had to cook it outside.
3. I had to find someone else totally as insane as I was that would help me with the creation of this Frankenstein dessert.

This was no problem to me, I could easily mix a cake out side and of course I am king of grilling things outside so the only problem was finding a person who was insane as me. I have a business partner and friend who lives next door to me and while the best of friends she even thought my latest idea was simply insane. The nice thing though is she has a daughter who when I broached the idea of a bacon cake cooked outside thought it would be lark to give it a try.

Judy, while I love her totally, was not happy that I was able to complete each of her requirements, so with her reluctant blessing I was off to cook the wonderfully ignoramus cake that I so desired. Simply put, it was great, bacon, vanilla and sprinkles cake with bacon and chocolate icing with a bacon smiley face as decoration on top.

Elsie (my equally insane neighbor) and I have decided to create a bacon and chocolate cheese cake next. The funny thing is that now there are a few more people who want to work on this endeavor. I guess after all the work to get people to even try out the bacon cake (then they loved it) I have now set the trend for modern food.

Elsie and I are the masters of bacon dessert but there is always room for the up and comers in the world of bacon.

In case you wonder, the date on the photo is totally wrong. :-)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stinking Coon

I just saw something I have never seen in my life and if I had not moved to the "civilized" land of the North Shore of the Boston area I would have simply missed something in my life. It was never on my bucket list of things to see or do before I died but it was something to remember for the rest of my life. This event ended with a very large stinking coon.

Judy and I stepped out into our backyard to enjoy the wonderful New England spring evening, we were talking under the star lit night like boyfriend and girlfriends have done since the beginning of time (by the way, we are married but she still is my girlfriend). Then the air was pierced with a sharp and loud cry from our next door neighbors backyard. I was not sure if it was a human, animal or a New England Bigfoot so I jumped up and ran to the fence to see if I needed to save someone from being beaten up or maybe help someone beat up a Bigfoot.

I did not know what to expect as I peered through the darkness of my neighbors yard but what I saw simply amazed me. It was a raccoon and a skunk having a fight both screaming and yelling at each other. The skunk finally ran off but left the pleasant smell that only a skunk can leave.

The Raccoon looked victorious at first till it realized that while he had won the battle he now stunk to high heaven and simply had lost the war.

Kate (my neighbor), if you are reading this then please know that I did not stink up your house..... it was the stinking coon that caused the stench.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bear Jerky

Sometimes people forget how grand it is to have parents that are great people. My mother and father are headed up to the wild and wooly Boston coast line to visit Judy, me and the girls. I am excited about seeing both of them but it put me into a mood of thinking about why I adore them. I know, the simply way to answer this is to say that they are my parents so I have to honor them and love them but there has to be more to my feelings then that.

The thing I am most thankful for with my mother is that she did not kill me when I was just a lad. Letting birds loose in the house, putting a HUGE snapping turtle in the tub (we only had one bathroom by the way), letting 100+ crawfish loose in the garage to crawl into little spaces, die and then stink up the whole house, digging up our backyard and stocking a small pond with catfish, bringing home a 5 foot snake I caught..... I think you get the type of kid I was... yet she never killed me. As an adult I am pretty sure she must have thought about it for a split second several times but thankfully she is an even tempered Christian woman.

My father was the toughest man around, at least to my eyes as a child. I never saw him in a fight, I never saw him scream at people, I simply knew that he could whip anyone and anything if he had to. I was positive that when he and I were out climbing mountains that if we ran into a bear that he would not only fight to protect me from the varmint but when it was all over we would be walking back to the camp site eating bear jerky.

This brings me to the value as an adult that I have found with my father. He taught me that you can be tough, a REAL man and not have to go around fighting every fight. I never saw my parents in one of those screaming arguments with each calling the other names. He simply showed me how to be a man, how to treat my wife and how to love my kids...... thanks Dad!!!

By the way Dad, when you get here lets go hiking and try to bring some bear jerky home with us.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Biggest Secret

What do husbands and dads do when the family is all out and they are left at home? Sports, Porn, Napping, Blogging..... exactly what does a guy like me do when nobody is around and they have the house to themselves?

This is where it all seems simple to me......

I am going to be totally honest, I am the one who has been elected to mop, wash dishes do the laundry and simply keep the house clean so of course these things are part of the ritual but honestly cleaning does not take too much time so I have plenty more stuff I can do. I was given most of today at home with no else so it was time for me to go back to simply being a guy and do what I want.

This has been my schedule so far with this freedom from people knowing what I do with time of my own.

Cleaned on the house - simply put I do not want everyone to think I goofed off all day
Put on the Rugby game
Cooked the meal that the women of my house say no to

So I am sitting here watching Rugby, eating fried potato mush, chicken hearts and a bacon shake. The only concern is that Judy comes home early and discovers my deep dark secret of what I do when no one else is at home.

PLEASE!!!!! what ever you do PLEASE do not let her in on my deep dark secrete .........

By the way the seeds in the photo are for me to plant in our garden..... it is MY idea for a garden, I am still a guy and do what I want. Sometimes.......