
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mexican Smoke

Ok, first things first. The picture is not smoke nor does it have anything to do with Mexico but it does look cool. It is supposed to be a picture of a ghost from some old cemetery north of Boston but who knows. I do not buy into monsters and such but I like the photo and it is from my media stock photos that I keep on file that I have taken in the past. 

This blog is about Mexican smoke so off we go.

I never really had allergies of any kind till I grew to be an old man at the age of 30. Something happened and every spring and fall I would get these splitting headaches based somewhere in my sinuses. I know, I am just a wimp to even gripe about them but my wimpishness is not even up for debate.

I always assumed that my "problem" was caused by pollen or some other evil creation but after a few doctor visits I had a profound announcement given to me.... I sat nervously waiting for the doctor or even a  nurse to come in to tell me the results of my tests as I sat in the little room at the doctors. I was beginning to get antsy to the point that I was trying to figure out how many of the little rubber gloves I could steal before the doctor would notice that something was askew. Finally the door opened and with out any Pomp and Circumstance I was told that my head throbbing was caused by "Mexican Smoke".

Now, I am not a pot smoker nor do I even care for the idea of altering my reality because quite frankly my real reality is strange enough that I do not need any kind of help in that department. I suggested that the Doctor do a blood test or even bring me his deepest chamber pot so I could prove that my belief on the (non) success of Americas drug war had nothing to do with me using drugs.

The Doctor laughed and explained that it had nothing to do with drugs but instead had to do with winds picking up smoke from Mexico and blowing it my way. The farmers clear burn their fields before planting and that is why I was getting the headaches at specific times of the year. 

I solved all my problems by falling in love with a woman who lived about as far from Mexico as you can get. Now as long as the French Canadians do not start burning stuff then I am going to be ok. But, all of this does make me wonder how many other people have strange allergies.....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green Meat

I never understood the fascination with St. Patrick's day, why would anyone want to be Irish even for a day. This is not knocking the red headed, green wearing, beer drinking (ok, not all drink beer but I cannot understand how tv can be wrong) Irish folk but I am quite happy being of the linage of people that raided, pillaged and wore cool hats and have no desire to go out and look for four leaf clovers.

This introduction brings me to what I am doing now. My existence currently is in the Boston area and from what I can tell there are at least one or two Irish folk in the area. The parades are actually on St. Patrick's day and not on the closest weekend, wearing orange would be as smart as Michael Moore speaking at a Tea Party Rally and people actually make special dinners to honor the day.

Judy, the love of my life, is down stairs cooking my families special St. Patrick Days dinner. There is going to be soda bread, cabbage and "gray" corned beef". I know that she is the best cook ever but I am a little worried about any kind of meat that starts off gray before cooking it. People who know me might find it strange that I would be reluctant to eat any kind of meat but a piece of cow that starts off looking bad before you do anything to eat does make me a bit worried.

Judy has never tried to kill me in the past and actually has helped me out after I consumed things I picked up off the ground that I probably should not have ingested. I am not too worried about living through the ordeal but I am curious about why the Irish would even think about making beef the color of spoiled spam before even cooking it.

I guess the big question for me on this holiday is why not make green corned beef instead of gray. Neither sound to good but if you are going to be eating spoiled meat then at least make it the color of the day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring has Sprung

A year ago I was headed to  the great city of Florence Oregon with full intentions of being there for many years but life is kind of funny in the idea that no matter how much you plan, things do not go along with what you expect. Instead I am sitting in the beautiful New England coastal town of Marblehead.

I am still in the media/publishing business but I am also involved with theater, no not the kind you pay $10 for a barrel of popcorn but the kind where actors get up on a stage and make true magic. This morning I was on a conference call with a project, I am involved with, for a series of movies and documentaries involving geo-political ideas with a heavy dose of religion to boot.

To say the least, when I look back a year ago and  remember what I thought I would be doing today, I was completely wrong. I am happily married to a beautiful woman, my daughter is doing fantastic as always and I am working in a field that is highly creative while I have no creative ability what soever.

This blog is nothing special accept an opportunity to let people know what I am doing. I will get back to 2-3 blogs a week explaining in details how you should never eat a yard clam, my personal war against the beast under the shed and my further rantings about how great I think I am (sarcasm, I do not need my stalkers to make comments about this).




Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Smurfs, Pixies, Bigfoot and Other Creatures I Have Met

I have one of those secrets that I do not tell many people about, it has seemed to me to be one of those guilty pleasures that I should not go around telling everyone about. Now before you start judging me badly you might want to think about some of those deep dark secrets that you have in your closet.

One of the things I do and have done now for several years now is own a company that produces books and videos of the strange and bizarre. I have always found it beneficial to keep a lid on that part of my life because most sane people claim to not believe in little blue people, big footed hairy people or even gray guys from outer space. I am honestly one of those people who is more then skeptical and is pretty sure that none of that exists in the real world.

The reason I am even writing this blog has to do with the fact that recently I have talked with several powerful, educated and SANE people that claim with no doubt that they have had some odd run ins with some odd creatures. I have met tons of people that claim to have a pixie that lives in their attic or a ghost in their underwear drawer but recently it has been normal people that seem to be coming forward with their stories about "light people", "blue people" and "forest creatures".

I have seen "bigfoot", "ghost:", "UFO" and other strangeness but all of those things could have other explanations then a mysterious creature living in the real world. I am curious if you have had an experience that seems off kilter from reality. I am not looking to publish anything but I am more interested in talking to sane people that have seen such a thing.

You can email me at and can even use a throw away email account if you wish to keep your identity hidden........ I am honestly curious.