
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring has Sprung

A year ago I was headed to  the great city of Florence Oregon with full intentions of being there for many years but life is kind of funny in the idea that no matter how much you plan, things do not go along with what you expect. Instead I am sitting in the beautiful New England coastal town of Marblehead.

I am still in the media/publishing business but I am also involved with theater, no not the kind you pay $10 for a barrel of popcorn but the kind where actors get up on a stage and make true magic. This morning I was on a conference call with a project, I am involved with, for a series of movies and documentaries involving geo-political ideas with a heavy dose of religion to boot.

To say the least, when I look back a year ago and  remember what I thought I would be doing today, I was completely wrong. I am happily married to a beautiful woman, my daughter is doing fantastic as always and I am working in a field that is highly creative while I have no creative ability what soever.

This blog is nothing special accept an opportunity to let people know what I am doing. I will get back to 2-3 blogs a week explaining in details how you should never eat a yard clam, my personal war against the beast under the shed and my further rantings about how great I think I am (sarcasm, I do not need my stalkers to make comments about this).





  1. I miss your blogs but I'm glad that you are doing so well.


  2. When are you coming back to Oregon? I miss having you around.

  3. In one year, you have had so many wonderful things happen, and this time next year I feel you are going to have so much more to write about. LIFE IS GOOD.

  4. Thanks Tina...

    Thanks Janet, you have been a great friend through both thick and thin. :-)
