
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Light People Documentation ...... Proof?

I was sent these photos with an explanation of when, where and how they were taken.  I am once again going to rewrite the story so as to protect the person. I am now at a complete loss at what to even think about the whole thing and I could really use some help at solving the puzzle. It is now at the point that I am willing to listen to anything no matter how far fetched it seems. Please feel free to inbox or email me if you do not want your name attached to this in public.

The bottom picture is from photos taken by NASA but when I saw it while surfing the internet it looked closer to anything that I have seen in the "real" world as to what I see when the "light people" visit me. I think if you look at the other pictures you will see what I mean. The only thing the camera did not pick up was the color red. I also found it interesting that in the photos the lights seem to take up much of the room but to me they only took up a small section on the LCD screen.

This is how and when I took the photos. I had already pointed out that when they show up I can expect a couple of more visits from them over the next week or so before they leave. My wife, one of the few people I have told the complete story to, told me to keep our camera by the bed so that when they show up again I can try and take a picture of them. I honestly did not think that a camera would capture anything because I seem to be the only person who can physically see them but I decided to give it a go and see what would happen.

Thursday night, shortly after 2 am, I saw the glow coming from beneath the door. Please remember that I always sleep with the door shut because of these creatures bothering me since childhood. I grabbed the camera and opened the door, once again I could see that they were headed down stairs but this time I was not hesitant and I rushed down following them.

As I entered the living room I saw two of them standing at the other end, this time they glowed softly, different then normal. I honestly could not tell you what exactly was different about them but they just did not look quite normal. The room was pitch black with the exception of the DVD light and these two light people.

I shot off a few photos knowing that in my heart there was probably no chance of catching their image but I was going to at least give it a try. The photos I sent you are the results of this experience. The light does seem to take up much more space then what I saw with my own eyes.

I was asked to have them checked out to verify that they are real, not Photoshopped or anything else.... I can attest that they do seem real with no alterations at all. Since this story has started it has really become almost an obsession with me to try and figure this out. PLEASE, if you have any idea at all please email, inbox comment .... something..... I would like to solve this puzzle.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ghost, Alien, Time Traveler, Angel?

 I got permission to post an email to me, I did "fix" it a little to help protect the innocent.... well if you knew him like I did you might not call him innocent. I rewrote this trying to make it clean of identifications and also take out some of the personal stuff. It is also more streamlined so sorry in advance if I messed it up to much to be read.

If you have any ideas what these are please feel free to post and answer, email me or inbox me on FB.

I always sleep with the doors shut to keep them out. When I was younger the 5 they would come to the door of my bedroom and totally freak me out. I would scream for them to go away and my older brother would start yelling back at me that there was nothing there. My father would finally get up and come to our bedroom and they would just walk back a little to let him in.

They have followed me all of my life but only seem to show up maybe once or twice a year (with few exceptions) but during their initial visit I can usually expect them two or three more times over a couple of weeks.

When my father died, I was in the hospital standing in a hallway and all of a sudden there where 10-20 who came walking into the hallway out of different rooms. At that point we had not been told he had died but it occurred the exact moment of his death. (Did , I mention that they do not walk through walls or anything like that, they have to come through an open door)

Monday night I had a strange physical problem. I was working on a computer when all of a sudden I felt like I was going to vomit. My wife was in the bathroom brushing her teeth so I stood up to tell her to get out quickly so I would not vomit on the floor. I immediately fell to the floor and had to crawl to the door and pushed my way in.

I then curled up by the toilet stool in a fetal position sweating like a pig. My shirt was soaked with sweat dripping off of my face all in about 2 minutes time. This of course scared my wife but it was over with in 5 minutes of starting and I felt 10x better but still felt like I had ran a marathon and went to bed.

At 2:12am I was awakened with the glow of colors coming from under the door. I always sleep with the door shut so this is the way I know that they have arrived. I decided that I would do something I have never done and confront the "creatures". I slipped out of bed and opened the door. I could see the glow against the wall as if they were headed down the stairs. I followed them to the stairs and saw at least two of them as they headed off into the living room. I waited just a second and went down stairs to see where they went but the house was completely void of anything that should not be there.

I wondered if my illness caused me to see them that night but it was not the first time to see these creatures. I convinced myself that it was nothing and decided that I would ask my wife if she could check with the kids to see if anything woke them the night before at around 2:12.

Now, I have to be honest, my wife is the only person that I have told this story to since being an adult (I guess you make number 2). She looked at me strange but said she would ask the kids. Later in the day she told me that nothing woke any of the girls up but the starting about 2:30-3:00 she was wakened by what sounded like the cat wanting in the bedroom. The door kept jiggling so she got up to let the cat in. The cat was in the hallway but nowhere near the door. She tried to get the cat in so it would let her go to sleep and leave the door alone.

The door kept my wife up till around 4 so she got up again to use the restroom. When she came out she was looking at the door and it kept moving so she decided that it was wind. She put a towel and a table against the door to keep any wind from moving it but the door kept shaking.

The interesting thing was she could also hear the "talking", she checked the hall a couple of times but there was nobody there. She wanted to wake me but knew I had been sick so decided she would not.

My wife is the only person who has heard them besides me. The interesting thing is that they have never touched a physical item to move it in the 40 years that I have known about them. She told me about all of this before I told her why I wanted to know.

I am not scared of them but it is freaky to feel like I am in a zoo sometimes. They seem interested in just watching me but never really interacting with me or anything till Monday night.

My wife heard them but did not see anything strange so as far as I know I am the only person who has seen these "light" people. I do not feel like they are "spirits" of any kind but I am at a complete loss as to what they are. Why do they watch me, why do they show up at major events in my life and why do they not act like I can see them.

Strange enough for you..... :-)

These creatures seem to range between 5-6 feet in size, None seem to be fat, they are of both sexes at least according to body shape. They look like fully detail humans with the exception that you can not see any fine facial details. They glow different colors and the light can be seen reflecting off of walls, the floor and other objects. The actually walk and do not float or move strangely. Everything seems to be human except the glow and the fact that other people seem not to be able to see or hear them.

So...... readers, what do you think they are?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Passover and the Crazy Jew

Yesterday there was an event that was one of those moments that I will always remember. I guess that part of the reason is that I grew up in Oklahoma where there frankly are not that many Jewish people. Since I have moved to the great waste land of the North Shore area of Boston Metro I have had the privilege of not only meeting many Jewish people but becoming close friends with some as well.

Now I have to make this clear, my neighbor is crazy, not in the scary Barny Frank way but crazy in the willing to try anything way. I personally have found that those are the kind of people I like to hang out with because it is always funner then hanging out with "normal" people.

Judy and I have been invited to her house to celebrate Passover this evening and I look forward to it. One of the things she had to do was Tovel her new kitchen wares, knives, pots, pans, etc. She asked me if I could help her out and being a guy who is willing to try anything I said sure. I headed over to her house to Tovel (not sure of exactly what that meant but I was pretty sure it was at least legal). She had me help load up her car with boxes of kitchen items and off we went.

We drove around to all of the beaches in the area and considering the ocean is on three sides of our small town there are tons of beaches. We found the perfect place to Tovel but could not find parking. I realized that toveling was important to her so I asked a lady if we could park in her drive way so we could do some Jewish thing. The lady said "no problem" so we parked and I became the pack mule toting everything down to the ocean.

I then memorized a prayer that was texted to my neighbor in case she could not remember it when we started this ritual called Tovel. My neighbor headed off into the water, I suddenly realized why she wore rubber boots and rubber gloves. I rolled up my pants and waded into the 41 degree water with her while I was carrying several of the kitchen items.

She said her prayer and I started handing her one item at a time which she then dunked into the water, letting go of it and then catching it before it hit the bottom. She would hand me the Tovelled item and I would shake out the seaweed and then shlep back up to the box lay out the wet item and pick up another for her to Tovel (not sure but I think shlep maybe a Jewish word).

This probably went on for 20 minutes but it honestly felt like hours because of the frigid water. I was starting to wonder if my neighbor had any clue how cold my legs and feet were till I realized that not only had the water hit me almost waist high but the tops of her boots where well under the water. When the practice was over we walked back up to the car and at the moment I realized I was WAY luckier then her. While I might have been barefooted and my shorts were wet from the water her poor feet where stuck in those rubber boots that carried the cold water well after my feet were dry.

I have to say that I loved being asked to participate in the Tovelling and look forward to doing it again but I honestly hope that next time it will be in summer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not a Normal Ghost Story

This is a strange blog entry, it has to do with helping a friend out with a strange question. I have to say that the story I am going to relate may not be believable by most people but I totally believe the friend who told me the story. He asked for me to see if anyone else has an experience like his or if anyone can come up with an explanation for the events that have occurred in his life. You can leave a comment or you can email me to keep your privacy private.

He told me about some odd creatures that have "visited" him for almost his whole life (starting from earliest memory, age 3), no, they are not ghost, aliens or anything that you would normally read about. These creatures are "light men", they have the shape of men (and women) but glow a green, red or a blue. They have a defined human shape and appear solid but they do not have distinct facial features but instead just a glow. They seem to only show up when something big has happened, is happening or is about to happen both good and bad.

They seem to show up normally at night but they do not always wait till sun down. He had a death in his family and they showed up in the middle of the day. Now, I know this sounds like some kind of angel type thing but let me explain what he said about their actions.... it does not seem to make any sense (like the any of the rest of this story makes sense)

These people glow in the dark and come as a single person or as a small group. They talk amongst themselves, he says that you can sometimes hear them talk but you cannot make out the actual words being said. They seem interested in him but while they may talk with each other they never actually talk to him.

He explained that it was almost like they seemed that they were not quite here yet they would look at him or even stare at times......

Not a regular ghost story, I know. I would like to know if anyone else has ever had an experience with "light people" or at least have an idea what this poor chap has been experiencing. Please email me, post here or inbox me if you would like to keep it private.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is Michael R Henson a Narcissist?

There have been several studies recently that seem to show that all people are narcissist but that some of us are further down the hole then others. I always find it funny when studies like these come out because the truth is that we can all find ourselves in the mess as least a little.

This brings me to the question.... is Michael R Henson a Narcissist?

From Wikipedia.... followed by my answers

An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges ( as long as the conversation is about me I really do not care what we talk about)
Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships (I have been friends or more with Judy for several years now but hey, I just might be a little slow in this department)

Difficulty with empathy ( Sorry that your dog died but can I have him, I hear that dogs make good fertilizer)

Hypersensitivity to any sleights or imagined insults ( I am very thinned skin, anytime anyone says something bad about me it makes me cry like a baby)

Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt (I have neither shame or guilt so there! )

Haughty body language ( I do have a perfect body and I just know everyone else is jealous)   
Detesting those who do not admire him or her (Yep, just make one bad comment about me and I will unfriend you, delete you and try to make you go away.... ok, I am actually to lazy to do any of that but I do think about it)

Using other people without considering the cost to them of his or her doing so (as long as it is about me why should I care?)

Pretending to be more important than he or she is (Just read this wonderfully written, important to the world blog and you too will understand how important I am)

Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating his or her achievements ( I am king of the world so there is no reason to brag, everyone already knows it)

Claiming to be an "expert" at most things ( I am NOT an expert on everything, there is that one thing I am not an expert on but I never can remember what it is)

Denial of remorse and gratitude ( I honestly do believe that remorse is a negative feeling to dwell on. If you have done wrong then "man up" say sorry, do what you can to change it and then move on. Gratitude can never be over done)

I shortened the list a little simply because I am so great (and too lazy to comment after all of them) that I figured they were not that important.

People who know will get some of the humor, others will see very little but I do not care what you think because I am the greatest!!!

Is Michael R Henson a Narcissist...... I believe it is a positively and absolutely a YES

The truth is we all have some of these bad traits and we should all work on them.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Remembering My Brother

This is a personal entry for my blog. Today is my older brothers birthday who died when I was 14 years old. I have to be honest and tell you that unlike many people just because a person dies it does not mean that all of a sudden their memory turns into the perfect person. I have great memories of him but also remember some of the sibling fights we had.

The thing I remember the most about him was that he was a great big brother, while he did get bossy and order my younger brother and I around he would also take on the whole football team to protect me after I did another one of my "funny" little practical jokes on them. Today I really miss him and wish that I could just give the guy a call and tell him about Alexis, Judy, Ari and Heather just so I could hear him tell me how lucky I am. I know what he would tell me but you know, it is not the same thing as actually hearing it from him.

It has been almost 30 years since he has passed but in someways it hurts more today then it ever has. I guess when you start to wonder what would he have become, what children he would have had and what kind of advice he would give it really starts to hurt. The nice thing though is even when I was a snotty nosed, stinky, fighting and mean kid the kids at school where better with me then even most adults. I think back to some of those kids back in the day and am thankful for them just being nice.

Not much more to write but just thankful that I did have an older brother.... and I still miss the guy.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pixie Dust Does Not Exist

Sometimes I write a blog knowing full well that there will be someone who hates it so much that they will unfriend me, send me a nasty email or a variety of other mean things. This blog is one of those, most people will understand what I am saying but there is always one of those nuts out there.

My Parents are getting ready to celebrate their 50th anniversary and in my opinion it has nothing to do with luck but instead it has to do with choices that they have made everyday for the past five decades. I was there for some of those years and while growing up I saw times when I knew they were not happy with each other but instead of fighting they talked it out. I never heard them yell at each other, EVER. I never went to bed wondering if my parents would get a divorce because I knew they loved each other.

Sure, there are going to be people who say that "times are different" but I would like to point out that we adults laugh at teenagers who say this because, well, we said it when we were their ages and now looking back we know that adults laughed at us as well. Things do change but people do not, what we value should never change.

Back to my Parents, I grew up in a house hold full of boys, my mother was the only female in our house and she managed quite well not to go insane. My father was not just a great instructor to us boys by teaching us the basics of life and how to treat a wife but he also showed us everyday by example. He had us boys even as tykes opening the door for my mother. My Father then would explain that it had nothing to do with my Mother being weak but instead it was showing her respect for who she was. I of course knew my mother was not a weak person because she could spank me with the best of them.

This brings me to my last point.... My father used to tell me something that never made much sense to me till I grew up. When one of us boys would try to rat out my mother for making us clean up our room or some other nasty activity my Father would look me straight in the eyes and say "Michael, I love you and I always will. I would die for you if it was needed BUT one day you are going to grow up and leave me but your Mother never will. She is with me till the end of time". I really never understood that till I married Judy, I can look in her eyes and know that she will be with me till the end of time, thanks to my Father.

The magic of their marriage did not come from Pixie Dust but the magic was there and still is.

Thanks Mom and Dad, the greatest gifts you have or ever could have given me were not things you bought, places we went or even my name..... they are the things you showed me by the way you lived.