
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is Michael R Henson a Narcissist?

There have been several studies recently that seem to show that all people are narcissist but that some of us are further down the hole then others. I always find it funny when studies like these come out because the truth is that we can all find ourselves in the mess as least a little.

This brings me to the question.... is Michael R Henson a Narcissist?

From Wikipedia.... followed by my answers

An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges ( as long as the conversation is about me I really do not care what we talk about)
Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships (I have been friends or more with Judy for several years now but hey, I just might be a little slow in this department)

Difficulty with empathy ( Sorry that your dog died but can I have him, I hear that dogs make good fertilizer)

Hypersensitivity to any sleights or imagined insults ( I am very thinned skin, anytime anyone says something bad about me it makes me cry like a baby)

Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt (I have neither shame or guilt so there! )

Haughty body language ( I do have a perfect body and I just know everyone else is jealous)   
Detesting those who do not admire him or her (Yep, just make one bad comment about me and I will unfriend you, delete you and try to make you go away.... ok, I am actually to lazy to do any of that but I do think about it)

Using other people without considering the cost to them of his or her doing so (as long as it is about me why should I care?)

Pretending to be more important than he or she is (Just read this wonderfully written, important to the world blog and you too will understand how important I am)

Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating his or her achievements ( I am king of the world so there is no reason to brag, everyone already knows it)

Claiming to be an "expert" at most things ( I am NOT an expert on everything, there is that one thing I am not an expert on but I never can remember what it is)

Denial of remorse and gratitude ( I honestly do believe that remorse is a negative feeling to dwell on. If you have done wrong then "man up" say sorry, do what you can to change it and then move on. Gratitude can never be over done)

I shortened the list a little simply because I am so great (and too lazy to comment after all of them) that I figured they were not that important.

People who know will get some of the humor, others will see very little but I do not care what you think because I am the greatest!!!

Is Michael R Henson a Narcissist...... I believe it is a positively and absolutely a YES

The truth is we all have some of these bad traits and we should all work on them.


  1. speak for yourself there Mr creapy guy Henson, I do NOT have ANY bad traits, and don't make me repeat that again, ya here?

  2. Kate, you are as perfect as I am. Ok, sorry for that put down. :-)

  3. By the way Kate, in a few days we will have the raspberry bushes for you. Just figure out where you want them and I will sink those thangs for ya... using my Okie accent.
