
Friday, April 1, 2011

Pixie Dust Does Not Exist

Sometimes I write a blog knowing full well that there will be someone who hates it so much that they will unfriend me, send me a nasty email or a variety of other mean things. This blog is one of those, most people will understand what I am saying but there is always one of those nuts out there.

My Parents are getting ready to celebrate their 50th anniversary and in my opinion it has nothing to do with luck but instead it has to do with choices that they have made everyday for the past five decades. I was there for some of those years and while growing up I saw times when I knew they were not happy with each other but instead of fighting they talked it out. I never heard them yell at each other, EVER. I never went to bed wondering if my parents would get a divorce because I knew they loved each other.

Sure, there are going to be people who say that "times are different" but I would like to point out that we adults laugh at teenagers who say this because, well, we said it when we were their ages and now looking back we know that adults laughed at us as well. Things do change but people do not, what we value should never change.

Back to my Parents, I grew up in a house hold full of boys, my mother was the only female in our house and she managed quite well not to go insane. My father was not just a great instructor to us boys by teaching us the basics of life and how to treat a wife but he also showed us everyday by example. He had us boys even as tykes opening the door for my mother. My Father then would explain that it had nothing to do with my Mother being weak but instead it was showing her respect for who she was. I of course knew my mother was not a weak person because she could spank me with the best of them.

This brings me to my last point.... My father used to tell me something that never made much sense to me till I grew up. When one of us boys would try to rat out my mother for making us clean up our room or some other nasty activity my Father would look me straight in the eyes and say "Michael, I love you and I always will. I would die for you if it was needed BUT one day you are going to grow up and leave me but your Mother never will. She is with me till the end of time". I really never understood that till I married Judy, I can look in her eyes and know that she will be with me till the end of time, thanks to my Father.

The magic of their marriage did not come from Pixie Dust but the magic was there and still is.

Thanks Mom and Dad, the greatest gifts you have or ever could have given me were not things you bought, places we went or even my name..... they are the things you showed me by the way you lived.


  1. I did not read the blog but I read the title. I BELIEVE IN PIXIE DUST! LOL

  2. Her dress is suppose to be lime green! LOL

  3. Nailed you DM!!!!!!


  4. Great blog, your brother, Dustan Henson

  5. Your blog is what every marriage needs to know. You father also a Pastor, knows the biblical truth for a marriage..It will never be a perfect marriage bit when you go to bed at night without anger, then you know that you are on your way.. Always have a kind word, a good deed, or a small gesture...It will go far <3 Michael , You and Judy are blessed to have met and the married..Give GOD all the glory..

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  7. Please stop posting spam, sane people do not want your miracle cures or get rich quick schemes.
