
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4250 Kilometers Till Home

4250+ kilometers till I make it home, the strange thing is how many of these will be racked up in Oklahoma going up and down the turnpike. I understand the strange thoughts about how a guy could be going 1450 miles and yet tacking on a little more then 1000 extra miles. There is no way to explain except I want to see my grandmother, make a couple of runs to Tulsa and then see as many of my friends as I can along the way to my new home. I actually thought about taking a side trip to Boston but realized that was about 5 miles to far out of the way from my trip from Oklahoma to Oregon.

I have not met any vampires yet but I did run into the first rattler of the season. I had a guy ask me for a ride at a gas station and I would have considered it but I was going the opposite direction. If I had taken him on as a rider I think I would have talked non stop about a new cult that I started. It would have something to do with Aliens, ghost, computers that can read your inner most feelings and mental illness.... wait, that is Scientology. I guess I would have to come up with something else.

I really wish I had the imagination of L. R. Hubbard because that is an amazing story. I guess while you are traveling your mind wanders and roams to the edge of sanity. I just wonder how far Hubbard drove before he came up with such a great idea. I really do admire the guy and wish he were still alive to continue the amazing story that a million plus people believe.

This has not been an interesting day yet but it is still young. I hope to have a better update a little later in the day.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wicked Thoughts

I really have no idea why the blog entry The Woman I Love became my biggest blog ever on any of my seven blog sites. Even today it is still having comments made on it and had over 300 views in the last 8 hours alone. Most blogs entries die down in 24 hours but this one still has feet.

A box of Pop Tarts and 32 ounces of coffee does not make a good breakfast.
Oklahoma has more red dirt then Mars.

If you have a question about me or who I am I would suggest that you actually ask me instead of posting on a photo on Facebook. It usually helps to actually let me know that you have a question instead of making bizarre statements in places that I probably will not see.

A box of Pop Tarts and 32 ounces of coffee does not make a good lunch.

Pop Tarts do not taste right if you eat them with hands that had gasoline on them.

If I were a Mexican I would sneak across the boarder too. I am still against illegal immigration though.

If you do not understand sarcasm then it would be wise not to make comments about sarcasm.

 I have 25 pair of shoes but hope that one day I can get down to about 12 pairs.

Catchup packets does not make Pop Tarts taste any better.

I am not smart in some areas. I have been to the hospital 5 times for snake bites and brown recluse spider bites (I should have gone another 2 times) yet when I see the first rattle snake of the season I go chasing it so I can catch it by hand just so I can get a closer look at it..

Do not even think about a box of Pop Tarts and 32 ounces of coffee for dinner.

These are just thoughts for the last while...... what do you think about?

I Am A Goy

 Being a Goy has nothing to do with the "don't ask don't tell" rule in the military. It is not the way a redneck would say "goys and gals" nor is it a huge goldfish in a Japanese pond.

Monday at sundown Passover began for my Jewish friends. I am not Jewish but a Goy (The first recorded usage of goy  occurs in Genesis 10:5 and applies to non-Israelite nations.) This term has come to mean just about anyone who is none Jewish. The Passover commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. By following the rituals of Passover Jewish people relive and experience the true freedom that was gained. 

What does the Passover have to do with me? actually quite a bit. The Last Supper was probably part of a Passover meal and other parts of Christianity are related to the festival. I also see that at this time in my life I am leaving the familiar and I am headed out into the unknown. I too will put my faith in God and know that I will be in his hands.

I maybe updating my blog several times a day as this adventure begins or I may even skip a day. If I do skip a day I hope someone will start the rumor that I was attacked by vampires somewhere in the Arizona desert. I really do want cool rumors from now on and no more of the lame ones. Please use your head and create something a bit more unique or do not even bother starting a rumor.

Thanks.... till the next update have a Happy Passover.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Oregon Trail

This evening is when I start my journey westward but the odd thing is I am headed east first. This has nothing to do with the great talent that God has instilled in every man that makes him drive 100 miles around in circles before he will stop and ask for directions. I am actually off to see my grandmother in Tulsa before I leave. I may be there for a few hours to a couple of day depending on what the news is from her medical tests.

Once I leave Tulsa I get to drive 110 miles and pass my starting point again..... this does start sounding like the guy thing of driving in circles. I then head off to meander around the western and northern states stopping by and seeing people that I know. This is actually a good way to try and get someone to buy me lunch but I will have to see how good I am at the free lunch con. I wonder if driving 200 miles out of the way to get a free $5 lunch is worth the time or effort?

I will keep my blog up to date with my travels and promise to only pick up hitchhikers that are holding bloody knives and/or decapitated heads. I really do hope to make this an adventure instead of just moving. If you have any suggestions of things to do or you live between OKC and Oregon and want to buy me lunch then send me an email and I will stop by for the free food.

I added an admin to my blog so if I am out of contact or I end up being breakfast for some mountain lion and somebody decides to go nuts on the blog comments she can jump in and take care of it. She is one of my best friends and I trust her to do what is right so please do not send me emails tattling about some horrible thing she did. Till tomorrow when I get to tell you about the first of my travels.... Aloha... I think that is goodbye in Oregonese.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Woman I Love

Over the last couple of weeks on my blogs (yesterday was surreal), inbox and emails I have been "hit on" by several women. Today is a super busy day as I am saying my last goodbyes and finishing my last chores before I leave. Since this will be a short and sweet blog I thought I would cover this situation simply because I am lazy and really do not want to have to think to hard.

I am honored that anyone would consider me to be the right guy and would never try and degrade a person for feeling that way. I can promise you though that I am not that great of a catch. I am not looking for a love at this time but I am leaving it all to God and his timing.

When I do find the love of my life there are some simple things that I will look for.

I want a woman who loves God

I want a woman who is honest

I want a woman who is faithful

I want a woman who was a friend first and then a love

I want her to be a woman because I am a heterosexual

See..... a short blog for a wild day. I hope to be back to "normal" mode on my blogs in a couple of days. Thanks for putting up with my witless ramblings for the last few days and I hope you will stick around for the next couple of strange ones to come.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What Evil Lurks

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men"

Today I could really care less about evil people, they were here yesterday, they are here today and they will be here tomorrow. I think I will set aside my mind clouding abilities for the day and not worry about fighting criminals till tomorrow. Sometimes the most obnoxious idiot can take away from the glories that make up life. Stealing the little things that allow you to enjoy all that God created but today that will not happen to me.

I claim today to be mine, I will make it what I will.
Today is precious for it can never be repeated.
The joys and the sorrows that I experience is what will make today special.
I refuse to waste this gift God gave me.
I will live each breath of the day as a moment to remember
Eternity is the Promise of God today is his gift.
I will live today to the fullest....... I hope you do as well.

Hey, today is already very busy and I am really skimping on the blog but I hope you did notice the references to "The Shadow" from 1930's radio and the pulp fiction magazines in the first paragraph.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Out of Body Experience

With less then a week to go I am now actually counting the hours instead of the days before I head to Oregon. I believe my brain has already left the building and is now on a singing tour with Elvis. This leaves me in the bizarre situation of writing a blog about my daily life without my rusty old brain to rely on. I will give it my best shot and hope that my grinning Guinea pig is dictating to me something that makes sense to people.

It does appear that my brain has packed up and headed down the highway towards the Pacific North West leaving my body laying here functioning totally on reflexes and all the while my heart is being tugged towards the Eastern Seaboard. This really is a strange sensation that obviously is ten times cooler then any out of body experience that an LSD hippie ever claimed to have.

The minutes are ticking away and I have a wonderful group of friends that have made the closing of my business and selling off my possessions easy. I have great new friends in Oregon that have made it so simple for me to move there and restart my work. I really do want to thank each and everyone of you but one special lady for sure who has helped more then all of the others put together (I will call a little later)... :-)

I am ready, just slapping labels on a few boxes, saying a few goodbyes, having my car checked and then off I go trying to catch my brain before it arrives to my new home state without me.

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste but a Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind as well......

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yoko Ono Muzak

Rushing around today trying to tie the last few loose ends to my personal and business life has left me little time to actually do anything. I am either driving in the stoic silence (sarcasm) of traffic or I am sitting listening to muzak while waiting on hold. I have decided that breathing the fumes of an unregistered Mexican cement truck belching in front of me is better then listening to a muzak remake of anything done by Yoko Ono.

I am not sure if it was the toxic fumes coming from the cement truck or if it was the toxic fumes coming from the remix of Yoko Ono but I had a clear vision of things desired. My life's possibilities are completely open at this juncture in time. I can almost do anything I want from business, entertainment to my love life. This moment in time is one of those rare apexes of opportunities that only happen once or twice in your adult life.

This brings me to my greatest wants from this trek across the continent. I simply want the best for my daughter, rewarding work and true friends. The hard part is true friends because I have no control over other people (someday when I get my flying warrior monkeys that might be different). I have a great start with several people and look forward to making deeper connections with them and also meeting new and exciting people to start off on this journey of opportunity that I have taken.

It really does not make any difference what a person is. Your color, creed or national origin does not make you a good or bad person. Rich, poor or what your job is does not make much difference either. The heart and the tongue makes all of the difference. As far as I know, and I maybe wrong, most peoples hearts are the same color and the tongue colors do not vary much either.  I am open to meeting anyone and look forward to every experience that is coming my way.

This is an absolute zero blog but it is what comes from the mind of a man who has been breathing fumes from an unregistered Mexican cement truck belching in front of me all day.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wicked Witch of the West (coast)

As I prepare to skip down the yellow brick road towards the Emerald City there are a few things to point out. First, I am not taking a yellow brick road but I think I will take highways instead, I am not skipping but driving and I am not going to the Emerald City but instead I will stop short in a small town in Oregon. I do not have a black dog nor ruby slippers but I am escaping the heart of tornado alley so I guess this is a huge stretch to try and make this blog sound Wizard of Oz-ish.

The book and movie (yes, there actually was a book) was full of allegories talking about having no mind of your own (scarecrow) nor heart to do what was right (tin man) nor the bravery to stand up against evil (lion). Every character was a picture of a positive or negative characteristic in real life. I say that but I still have not figured out what the flying warrior monkeys stood for except for random coolness. I personally think a flying warrior monkey would be the ultimate pet but I digress.

The truth is while prepping for my trip to my new home I have not run into any robots, lions or aforementioned flying monkeys but I have run into the allegorical Wicked Witch of the West. This woman has robbed me of so much. She continually pops up out of nowhere takes a swipe at me then slithers away into the deep dark recesses of her own evilness.

I stand await with my bucket of water to melt the banshee of the Pacific North West but I never am armed and ready when she shows up. She is the cause of the vast majority of stress at this moment but I know that in just days I will have conquered her, destroyed her to the point of never slithering back out from under the slimy rock to attack me again (well at least in this endeavor). The Wicked Witch of the West (coast) may think she has won but in just days she will be utterly destroyed.

This vampire of a woman is Time itself. With each passing moment she is taking from me the precious resource that I need to accomplish everything. The wonderful thing about time though is as it clicks away towards a deadline the moment that deadline passes the threat that time poses evaporates. The Wicked Witch no longer can hold any threat over my head. Soon the deadline will pass and the magical powers of this evil woman will fade away never to come back to haunt me over this matter again.

I know people are tired of hearing about my move but it is almost over...... The Wicked Witch of the West Coast is about to die.........

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Strip Poker (Not What You Think)

Toiling away over the last few days has left little time for anything truly interesting to happen to me. I have a friend who has been helping me do some of the work and we started talking about how we first became friends. It all started over a game of strip poker.

We both volunteered to work one night a week at a local charity doing whatever jobs that needed to be done. Since we were both guys that appeared to have all of our arms and legs we seemed to  get the glamorous job of warehouse duty. The warehouse work was always fine with us because we just wanted to help out, it was hard, dirty and nasty but someone had to do it.

The fun began when a major food distributor donated several truck loads of products. The head of the charity called both my friend and I and asked if we could come in to unload the first truck. He explained that there would be four trucks total and the deliveries would be spread over a few days. We both agreed and showed up at the appointed time and then worked our rears off. The charity did not have any equipment to move pallets so we had to break them down in the truck and move them by hand.

We started to feel sorry for ourselves and complained to each other that there were 50 or more people who volunteered for this group but we were the only ones there to unload the truck. The task of unloading the truck took us over 10 hours because of the need to do it by hand and then putting the items where they belonged in the warehouse. My mind was racing as my back was breaking and each time someone "stopped" in to see how we were doing it irritated me. These people could come by to talk but did not even have 30 minutes to help. (Please note that I realize that I was wrong for feeling that way but I try to be honest with this blog)

When a small crowd had gathered talking to each other excitedly about how God had blessed the organization with the food and commenting about how thankful they had two men willing to unload the trucks my brain burst and I had an idea. Without looking at the small crowd I asked Steve (my friend) if the strip poker game was on after we unloaded the next truck tomorrow. Without any hesitation Steve said "you bet, I expect there to be several other guys and gals to join us".

We continued talking about this wonderful game of strip poker and how much fun it was going to be. Talking aloud and making sure that the group could hear us we explained that only people who were helping could play. Steve, being the brilliant devious counter part of mine, stated that you did not even have to play yourself but you could come and just cheer players on.

The next day when I entered the building I was stopped by the head of the charity who asked me about the game of strip poker we were supposed to be playing. I explained that Steve and I were joking and trying to get gums flapping simply out of boredom. He laughed and walked with me to the warehouse where there was a total of 21 people waiting to help. The gentleman then explained to the group that he had heard the rumor about a strip poker game and he was sure others had as well.

The head of the Charity went on to tell everyone how thankful he was for everyone showing up and helping with this thankless job. He prayed and gave a little pep talk to us. Then the gentleman did something I thought was pure genius, the last thing he said before going back to his office was to announce to the entire group "I hope that you did not show up to watch a game of strip poker but I guess I will be able to tell by who did by who shows up to unload the next two trucks". He smiled, walked over and shook Steve and my hands and then left.

We had plenty of help with the rest of the truck deliveries and Steve and I have been friends ever since.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Why Oregon?

It has come to my attention that there are several people explaining why I am moving to Oregon that have not even bothered to ask me why myself. I do love a good gossip because it keeps me in the minds of people so PLEASE if you are out there gossiping about me please do not stop, keep it up or even better gossip even more. I decided that today is the day that I spill the beans (not sure what that phrase  exactly means but it does sound folksy). I do hope this blog does not stop the gossipers because that is not the intent. My actual goal for this blog will be to explain to people who actually have lives why I am moving to Oregon.

There are a few simple things to understand. In August of 2009 I decided to move to Florence, I loved the town, the weather and the people. Since August of last year I have slowly worked to establish business contacts and work out a plan for making an income in the small town. With my business having contacts is very important and I have established those that are required.

I could move to another city but Florence suits me perfectly. The weather is great, the scenery is awe inspiring and I am far away from the allergens that give me perpetual headaches. I have been to Florence several times and know the town better then any other up and down the coast.

I will most probably put my business office in Eugene or another major area but I will not be going to that office often. I am not coming to woo Big Foot into marriage, start a cult, become mayor of the universe or any of the other bizarre things a couple of people claim. It simply comes down to the fact that Florence is the perfect town and location for me and my daughter.

I love the people, the churches and the town as a whole. Florence is my new home town and I plan on embracing it to the fullest. I want to become part of the fabric that makes the town vibrant and be one of the reasons that other people fall in love with it.

Please feel free to ask me anything that you wish. You can even email me at

Even if you use a temporary email address that is fine. I really just want to make sure that people know who I am, what I desire from this move and get a better understanding of myself personally.

Stupid Blog? Yes it is but I am moving in just days and wanted to say these things.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Three Wishes

Sitting around talking with friends and the age old question of what three wishes would you ask for came up. First off lets set the ground rules because we all know that the first wish should always be the ability to ask and be granted a  million more wishes. While I do appreciate the idea we decided to make a list of things that could actually happen. It was interesting to me that a bunch of guys were sitting around talking about wishes and not once did the name Sandra Bullock come up. I suppose that would go into the realm of fantasy and outside of any reality for schmucks like us. (I am not sure but I believe this is the first time I have used a Yiddish word in my blog. I now just have to figure out what Yiddish means and I will be set)

With great forethought and wisdom prevailing the massive combination of our testosterone laced brains went to work on this ancient question. It actually was quite surprising that we came up with a great list of things that seriously made sense. We did have to drop wishes like the Kansas City Chiefs going to the Super Bowl because we had agreed that the wishes had to be at least possible. So, without further delay this is the list of three things we decided on, it has been customized to fit each of us in names of people etc.

My list of three wishes

1) My daughter have a blessed and successful life. This does not always mean wealth, fame or worldly success but means doing what is right and knowing that she is doing what she should be at all points of her life.

2) Finding, getting to know and end up marrying my best friend. Even guys get sappy when we get honest with one another. Most guys do want a complete family we just do not tell the world about it.

3) My personal last wish will be fulfilled when I stand on that beach in August of 2050 and for that brief moment KNOW that all I did and went through was worth the final result.

I understand that every one of my wishes depends on me actively doing something to see that it comes true. I also understand that there are things that can derail my wishes that are out of my control but that is what makes them wishes. I have given up looking for the magic lamp in garage sales and no longer hold out that fame and fortune will just plop down in my lap. I would probably die of a heart attack if a blue guy with a turban showed up in my living room but last night several guys sat around and we wished.

What would you wish for?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today is Norooz

 This blog is boring.... do not read unless you are needing a nap..

Today is Norooz, an ancient Persian holiday a kin to our New Years day. Many of my friends understand that I do have a passion for the Persian people and culture and why I do. In my house we celebrate 3 different days for New Years, the American one and of course we all know that the American one is the real one because well... it is the one Americans celebrate, the Chinese New Years simply because it is a great excuse to blow stuff up, watch dragons and eat to much in the lean months of winter and then the Persian Norooz. To start with Norooz is NOT an Islamic holiday, if you are anti-Muslim get over it, the holiday is over 3,000 years old and if you are Muslim then get over it because Norooz is over 1,500 years older then the Koran.

This year the idea of Norooz (New Day) and a new beginning holds a very special meaning to me. I am starting a new life, with new friends, a new town and a new way of life. The tradition of spring cleaning is too the extreme, I have found things I did not even know I owned (like a gun). I bought more new clothes for my daughter and I because of a different climate and have sold off or given away many things that I have had for years.

This Norooz truly is a new beginning for me and part of that new start is tossing over my shoulder the problems of the past year. Forgiving those who have trespassed me and asking those whom I have hurt to forgive me of my transgressions. I understand it may shock many people that I have actually done anything wrong but it is true, I have done wrong to someone at least once this year (actually many more times then that but I do have an image of perfection to uphold).

So as the dawn of spring has occurred and the snow is piling up (thanks Al Gore) I am left to the mush in my head to work out what my New Year shall bring. I look to the future with hope and the past with thankfulness. If I have hurt you for no cause then let me know and you maybe surprised that I will ask for forgiveness. I have let go of the past and am ready for tomorrow.

Side note...... To my Czechoslovakian friend who celebrates Norooz as well, your words are wise. I hate the fact that you push me over the line back to sanity so often yet I do not get the same chance to reciprocate. I suppose it has to do with you being a bit smarter.... :-)

Thank you to all of my old friends and welcome to my new friends, this year should be spectacular.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Return of the Stalker

My life the last few days has been VERY busy and I actually have not done much too exciting to write about. I talked with friends, prepped to leave and flirted ( I am still in the training process of this endeavor ). My flirting escapades would probably best be left alone because of the sorry state of my ability, to say the absolute very least I am horrible at it.

This brings us to my Stalker (not really but I could not think of a good segue) this poor woman is still stalking, still encouraging people to make threats and still leaving digital finger prints from one side of the web to the other. It actually has now turned into entertainment to watch this poor wretched soul flip flop around and make strange noises.

The fact is she will read this specific blog several times if not 30 or more times like she did the last one. I really would like to let her know that it is fine to be stalking me BUT if I ever feel threatened or if you make false accusations to ISP's and other site operators or I just get tired of you telling teenage boys to threaten me then I will turn you in with out hesitation. This is YOUR warning, to leave me alone.

As long as I have the truth on my side and my stalker is some insane nut case then my entertainment is assured for at least the next few days.

Since my stalker will no doubt read this blog many, many times I would like to give the normal people an opportunity to actually tell a real live stalker what they think of them by posting comments..... have fun and please be kind not sure why but still be at least a little nice.

Make the comments at the bottom of the blog.... you can do so anonymously if you wish. Lets have fun, stalkers have to be good for something....... :-)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Need A Racist Dictionary

I entered the wonderful world of Political Correctness and found it to be a lonely and confusing place. It started off innocently enough by just taking a break and meeting some friends for lunch, dinner, what ever that meal is you eat at 3 pm after  lunch but before the evening repast. My friends and I decided to stop for food in the hippie enclave of the Paseo District. My assumption has always been that if you wanted great munchies then head to where the hippies are because mysteriously they seem to have the munchies all the time.

In case you have never read any of my blog posts before then I should let you in on a secret, guys will be guys. We were talking about sports, women, politics and everything else that we know nothing about but try to sound like we do.The nice thing about being a guy is you can say the most outlandish thing to your friends and they will not buy one word of what you are saying but they will add on to it to make it even more of a fantastical tale. (this only works if people are in on the joke, the fisherman's tale for example).

We were talking about the weather, in Oklahoma that is an important subject. We have tornadoes that seem to aim straight at mobile home parks. If I lived in a mobile home I would be upset with people who call tornadoes an "act of God". That would make it appear that God really does hate people who live in trailer parks.

As you can imagine we were having a good time when our waitress came up to our table and explained that some of the other customers were upset with things we were saying. We looked around and the only people we saw were ones that offended me because of their smell. We questioned the nice tattooed on the face lady about what we had said that was offensive. She shrugged her shoulders so we pushed a little more. She finally broke the news to us that the term "snowman" was a derogatory term.

Ok, not sure about snowman being a bad word so I had to ask what it meant and who was it meant to be bad for. The lovely young lady that had so much metal in her face that she looked as though she were shot by a shot gun at close range said that it was not her job to educate us. She then explained that we should just know all the racist terms and should be ashamed if we ever used them.

This made me realize that I am truly ignorant, I need help learning all of the hep and cool racist lingo so I can avoid them. I need a very educated racist to make me a dictionary so I can learn what not to say. I did check Google and found that snowman was a derogatory term used primarily for people of Scandinavian linage and people of the Himalayan areas, it is not a popular term but is used by some.

I am Swedish so I want to make it clear SNOWMAN is OUR word  and you cannot use it. If you use it then it will mean you are racist if I use it then I am just trying to take the sting out of the word.....  the wonderful world of Political Correctness is a lonely and confusing place to be.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Proving to the world that I can see the future.

Once again I prove to the world that I can see into the future, either that or I am just one lucky boy. I wrote this blog on  March 17, 2010..... scary isn't it....... I am now married to my best friend.

The "400 Pound Gorilla" is getting married today, if you do not know who that is then you do not live anywhere close to the state of Oklahoma. I actually find this interesting for reasons I suppose most people do not. Ron is a great guy who I have admired for years. I would never speak ill of him because in a very strange way I own him so much.

Until about 7 years ago I never had much to do with any type of media or publishing, I actually stumbled into radio broadcasting purely on accident. Newspapers, political consulting, radio, Indie productions and even music events are all things that I have done but Ron went first. There is no competition between us because quite frankly I could not even come close to competing with him.

Ron is really about the only guy I know that I can ask my bizarre questions to and he does not flinch but gives a great answer. For instance, I asked him about the odds of a really ugly person running for office and what advice I should give them. Most people would be aghast that such a question was asked but Ron gave a great answer that solved a problem.

I always seem to be a year or two behind whatever Ron does, this does not bother me but instead lets me know what pitfalls lay ahead. He is like the scout in the old westerns that goes ahead of the group, gets shot up and makes it back to say "do not do what I just did". We even have daughters that are close to the same age but his girl is one grade ahead of mine. He is from the Pacific North West and moved to Oklahoma and I am from Oklahoma and moving to the Pacific North West.

Ron is a great guy but his Bride is even better. I honestly think she is one of the smartest, most talented and kindest people I have met on Facebook. The whole synopsis of this blog comes down to the Gorilla's girl. The thing I find fascinating about these two great people getting married is two words "best friends".

I have been screaming from the top of my lungs for the last month to everyone I know that if you are not married to your best friend then you are in trouble. I have had several people tell me how wrong I was but through some hard times I did discover that your best friend better be your spouse.

Ron over the last couple of months had mentioned that his Bride was his best friend. He became almost over protective of her but never mentioned that he had a romantic interest (publicly). When her status changed to in a relationship on FB I knew who it was with. They had done exactly what I myself had only recently discovered and that is best friends should be together for life.

The scary thing to me is that Ron is getting married today to his best friend. Since I seem to follow in his footsteps I guess I need to hurry up and find a best friend, any suggestions?

I want to say congratulations to two very kind and important people to me, Ron and Shawnnessy congratulations for finding and keeping your best friend.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cyber Stalker


I am actually proud of myself because I have achieved enough fame in this world to have several Cyber Stalkers. I think that I will discuss one of them just to show the sorry mental state that this type person has, these things all happened in the last 24 hours.

1) She unfriended me and as you all know that never bothers me if they unfriend me because they just do not like me. (this actually happened earlier)

2) She started going through my different Social Media pages looking for "dirt". My pages are open for all to see because I have nothing to hide.

3) She started going through my FB friends lists and sending out dirty notes about me. Actually creating 9 people dropping me because they fell for her lies. These people had not really known me yet or they would have done what others had and forwarded me the emails they received.

4) She spent over 8 hours on 2 different blogs that are mine. On one blog she either refreshed or clicked a new page over 100 times.

5) She made comments trying to appear as at least 5 different people on one blog.

6) She has friends who have posted or sent emails saying things such as "I am going to kick your a**) which is interesting because I have never met the people.

7) My favorite line from one of her minions "you very well may be telling the truth. But WHO CARES?!?!"

So my stalker has many voice in her head (well, at least 5), she has WAY to much time on her hands, hangs out with violent sounding people who do not care about the truth and has a real problem with stalking.

The funny thing about this.... okay not really funny.... she works for a church. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Joys of Insanity

Today is a major get my rear in gear and get things done kind of day. I am moving in just a few days and I have months of work to get done before I go. This leaves me with a choice, I can either write a real blog about packing stuff up and making phone calls or I can just take the simple route and make a list of things I discovered while doing this explicitly horrendous job of packing, sorting etc.

Anybody who has ever read my blog knows it is now time for a list of ten discoveries...

1) The first day of packing everything is neatly put in boxes. The third day every thing is crammed in boxes. The fifth day everything is put on the curb for charity or the trash truck which ever comes first.

2) Moving trucks and or storage units are always two feet short of what you actually need.

3) You can dust, mop and vacuum everyday but when you move everything out of the room it is still filthy.

4) You start wishing that you could box up your pets along with your other stuff.

5) A box marked breakable means you WILL drop it.

6) The only friends who say they would help are out of town... Okay, I think we are all guilty of doing this.

7) Lunch means something greasy from a fast food place that makes you sick. The upside to this is you do not feel like eating again for days.

8) You pack up the shower curtain before you take your shower.

9) You realize you should have painted the inside of your house last year.

10) Moving makes you insane but you so love where you are going that you actually find the Joys of Insanity.

See, that was not so bad. I guess it is time to get back to work.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Perfect Day

I have absolutely nothing to say. My day has been perfect, much work done, family time, worship time and now blog time.

My mind is thrashing about inside my skull trying to escape and get a head start to Oregon but my body just wants to lay down and rest wherever it is currently located.

The three headed dragon is now minus two heads.... that is good even though I never really played D and D and still have no idea why that is so good, especially since I am not talking about a D and D game now.

I spent time talking to great friends today, you can never be depressed when you have friends to talk with.

I do believe this is what most people call a normal day..... I hate that, nothing at all blew up nor did I ingest something not made to eat. Alexis and I did not conquer a mountain nor did we skate around the lake.

This will be the first blog that I will require help from the readers to make it worth anything at all...
Please leave a comment that is better then what this unorganized mess is.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Oklahoma Is Kicking Me Out of the State

I was born in Oklahoma, I went to college in Oklahoma and started my different companies in Oklahoma but it has become obvious that the state hates me and wants me to leave. I am not really sure why, I have the guttural language down with the grunts and nasal whistles that are required and when I was 14 I even owned a pair of cowboy boots. The biggest proof of being a true Okie is the fact that I once heard a country song and I did not go insane from the intense idiocy waves that emanated from the speakers.

The down fall of my acceptance in the grand state of Oklahoma started a while back. I was talking with my father this morning about an event that occurred that put me on my path to shame. He and I went to a hospital to visit a friend, nothing special just a drop by to say hi and then leave. We entered the elevator with one other gentleman who seemed a little distressed. I started talking with him and he explained why he was there and how he was worried.

We all got off on the same floor and since my father is a preacher he asked if we could all pray together for the wellness of the person he was going to see and for himself too. This went just like any other event of prayer in a hospital, nothing special. We parted ways and visited the friend. The friend really wanted to talk to my dad alone so I left the room and was hanging out by the elevators. The guy who rode up with us had finished his visit and we both started standing around and just chatting.

He seemed like a nice guy but he was dressed like a cowboy, I never understood why a grown man would still dress like he was a 5 year old playing cowboys and Indians but I digress. We talked for 20-30 minutes about nothing really but just two guys a little stressed because of people we loved in the hospital. My Father came out of the hospital room and we were ready to go.

All three of us stood waiting for the elevator and as the doors opened a nurse tugged my arm and asked if she could speak with me. My father and the gentleman went ahead and entered the elevator with my dad saying he would wait for me down stairs. the nurse then asked "could you PLEASE get me an autograph of your friend?". I had no idea what she meant.

The nurse looked a little irked and said that she was a HUGE fan and was to nervous to ask him but since I was his friend could I please get one for her. Once again I had no idea what she was talking about. The Nurse said "Garth Brooks, your friend. Will you get an autograph for me". I looked her straight in the eyes and told her the truth.  " I have no idea what you are talking about or even who or what a Garth Brooks is".

With the loud groan coming from the nurse and the glare from everybody who was with in ear shot I realized at that moment I was no longer welcome in the state of my birth. When people ask why I am moving I think it may just be to escape from those who hate me because I did not know who or what a Garth Brooks was.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Self Destruction

This is a strange blog entry, it has to do with watching the self destruction of a person who at one time had a very bright future. The following description could easily cover many people that I know and I am sure it will cover people you know as well. This entry has nothing to do with kicking the dead dog laying in the front yard (you have to love Oklahoma sayings) but more to do with my catharsis  effort to purge myself of any ill will towards the person.

People are people (a Depeche Mode quote, I am good today on quotes and sayings ) and sometimes good people just do not get along. Two decent people can have a spat, part ways and never speak ill of  each other. I have always assumed this is the way it worked. In my line of business I meet 1,000's of people and as hard as it is to believe there are actually a few of them who just do not like me. This does not mean anything bad about me nor them it just means for one reason or other we just did not mesh.

I guess the trouble started when this person and I just did not click any more. Months after the parting of ways they are still actively fighting a fight that is one sided, I have no desire to get into the mire and slug it out with them. They are a fantastic writer and set out to write a blog entry everyday starting on January 1st of this year, this month they only have one blog entry. In all of their time and effort spent fighting a fight that they are the only one concerned with they have forgotten their true love of writing original material.

I was told a couple of days ago by a mutual friend that the person in question is irate that my humble inept ramblings actually has 100's of readers while their blog languishes in the oblivion of cyberspace. The fact is that a personal blog is NOT a competition but instead it is just an open diary that the whole world can peek at if they want to. I assume that my blog has readers for the same reason that people have to slow down and look at a train wreck as they pass by.

This poor person is slowly spinning out of control, they have become obsessed with who my Facebook friends are and have spent much time going through the lists and demanding that my friends drop me. This is not such a bad thing but on my Oregon account I have many people who I do not know yet and I am trying to introduce myself to them and get acquainted with them before I actually move there. So far there have been VERY few who have dropped me and everyone of them I can totally understand why. I had three people just yesterday tell me that this person demanded that they drop me as a friend but they refused.

This person is nothing more then an irritant to me. Their own life is spinning out of control as they waste more time fighting phantom enemies then they do trying to use the talent that God has given them. Honestly, there are times when I do get angry with them but there is a solution that works every time and calms me down immediately. I look at where they where before they started this fiasco and I see where they are today and then the most important thing..... I pray for them. It is ne'er impossible to have an argument with someone when you are praying for their well being.

Simply put, today's blog is just an effort for me to understand my own brain. It actually does help to write it down and be able to look it over.

If someone approaches you and tells you to drop a friend (me or anyone else) understand that person is probably sinking into the abyss of their own disillusionment. Feel sorry for them and yet even better start praying for them because the odds are they need it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Evil In Oregon

Among the trees, hills, dunes, ocean front and inland waters sits the small town of Florence, Oregon. The town itself is picturesque looking as though Jean-François Millet would paint it if he were not dead, lived in the Pacific Northwest, painted trees and... okay, he probably would not paint Florence. The towns people seem friendly, kind and open to the idea of a stranger entering into their town and making it home and that is great news for me.

There is a problem with Florence though, nestled among the trees there lives a person who truly is evil. I am not talking about a person I do not like but instead someone who is so vile that Al Sharpton himself would tremble in the presence of this person. The beauty of the small town will never mask the reeking odor of horror that this person creates. Their actions, thoughts and deeds are always negative and are totally selfish never thinking about who or what they hurt or destroy.

The vast amount of citizenry of this small community are great people. They work hard, play hard and enjoy life to the fullest. Yet, it is that person who ruins if for the rest of the good people. They seem able to cause more pain, discomfort and problems then 100 other people put together. The evil one looks kind, is not an ugly person nor do they drool and slobber as they walk the town yet they are still evil.

The world revolves around them and they are always looking for help financially and even spiritually. They may go to church but that does not resolve the darkness of their heart. The evil one is cunning, a liar and has no shame in what they do or who they hurt. The evil one will do things for their own pleasure even if it hurts their own spawn.

The truth of the matter is I have not met this person, I do not even know who they are nor have I heard of them as of yet. I am aware that all towns have evil that exists within them as well as struggles, aches and other problems. I am not moving to Florence because I see it as a small town straight out of Walt Disney's mind. I am fully aware that there is evil there and I can handle that. The good news is the sheer number of great people who have made that small burg home.

As you read this little nothing of a blog I am sure almost everyone had a name that popped into their head of a person who fit the description of evil (except location). Every town has evil in it and most people have met it.

Now it is time to return to packing for my move to Florence.....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Am I Dying ?

I have never hid the fact that I am quite the egotist, it seems to be one of the things that I am really good at. I had one of those perfect days for the ego, every guy has one but mine was yesterday. It was the kind of day that inflated my ego to a higher extreme then what even I could have imagined. The whole concept of this high pressure ego inflation is seriously an unbelievable feat considering how much I already value my self worth. I know my day might not have been special to some people but to an average guy or those of us who strive to be average one day it was spectacular.

The magic of the day started as I went to the gym to work out. I would like to say that I am not some heaving mass of muscles but I am just some skinny guy that works out so I never get one of those stomachs that so many guys my age have. I went by myself because my workout buddy has a real job and actually had to listen to his wife and make money instead of hanging out with me. I entered the building and I immediately was invited to join two ladies to work out with. That is always a bit unnerving because it would be bad for the ego if they out did you.

I had a great workout and the ladies were nice enough to act impressed at my feeble attempts at mochoism. I stood around talking for a few minutes after the regiment, showered, clean clothes adorned and it stunned me, I was a big hit with the ladies. I had several want to workout with me the next day and two of them gave me their phone numbers without even a nudge or prodding on my behalf. To say the very least I left the building feeling quite pumped.

The day proceeded on this course of bizarreness that would even make Alice in Wonderland seem like Ben Stein reading  calculus equations. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up man supplies (meat) and an elegant Asian woman decided to show me how to get the butcher to give me the best cut of meat. I really did not see anything special she did but WOW it was a great cut. She then gave my  a slip of paper with her phone number and explained that she would love to help me shop anytime I wanted. She even went further and explained that she also liked to eat out of Friday nights and could use a date this Friday.

This went on and on throughout the day. Women all day long seemed to think I was a mixture of a guy with the body of the old  Arnold Schwarzenegger and the class and style of Pierce Brosnan.  Five phone numbers and many nice conversations later I made it home. I did what every guy would do after a day like that, I ran in and look to see if someone had slapped a sign on my back that said I was dying and could you please be kind to me.

I honestly have no explanation for the day I had, I do understand that it is normal for most men to be given a phone number or be hit on maybe a 2-3  times a week. Being approached by a beautiful woman is at the most a once a week event for me, like I said I am striving to be at least average one day though.

Then the whole absurdity of this situation hit me. I had my once a year good looking day in a town that I am getting ready to leave. How God must be laughing at my pride when he gave me yesterday as the day to attract women because I will never even have the opportunity to see them again. So, today I feel normal. I do not think I am going to be the proverbial babe magnet. People will smile politely, maybe say hello but there will not be an onrush of beautiful women clamoring for my attention.

I assume I need to learn that ancient skill called flirting. There is not a class for it and I am beleaguered by the whole prospect of learning such a skill. I will forage on to learn how to flirt because I am sure a day like this where women are the one who approach me will be a rare thing. Please do not make fun of my new feeble attempts as I try and learn how to flirt and do not worry, I am just practicing. 

The nice thing about yesterday...... there was no note on my back announcing my eminent death. I just had my one day of looking good for the year.

Monday, March 8, 2010

She Is A Racist

I went to a sporting event this weekend and had an interesting thing occur. Okay, maybe it was not interesting but it was eye opening. I first need to explain that there is a breed of woman in the town I live in (and getting ready to leave) that all look alike. These women all tan their skin to the exact same shade, bleach their hair to the same color and then wear clothes that seem to be a uniform because they all look the same. The town is an affluent city and these women actually have the money to have an individualistic looks if they wished.

I was standing waiting for a friend that I was to meet and there were several other people waiting for one reason or the other as well. Most of the people waiting were either children or the freaky women that all look alike standing together. Being a guy I looked around and found the only other adult male in the group so I struck up a conversation with him. We basically talked guy stuff and we were passing the time in a nice manner. He had his son with him who was 5 years old. Guys do actually talk about our kids and he knows all about Alexis and I now know all about his boy.

He started telling me that his son had discovered G.I. Joe recently and was so enthralled with the idea of an American soldier saving the world that he was finding evil doers everywhere. We laughed about it remembering when we were boys and how we were sure that we could save the world as well. His son was running around in circles acting out the hero part and then his dad told him to slow down. The boy came to a complete stop, put his hand on his chest and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

This caught me by surprise and the dad explained that he discovered that his son so wanted to be the All American Hero when he grew up that he could get his son to settle down and get him to stop and recite the Pledge by telling him that is what American Heroes do. I remember when I was his age and I think the only thing that could have slowed me down was if a brick had been thrown at me. (if you know my mother you should tell her how sorry you are for her to have raised me and my brothers)

The dad was smiling because he had figured out a great way to control a 5 year old and I was bragging to him how inventive the idea was. The dad went on a little about how great his son was and I told him "It must be great to have an all American boy". The chatty women went into silence with one even made a strange grunting sound. I looked around to see what had happened and several of the women were glaring at me. One of the women who all look alike motioned for me frantically to come over to her. I excused myself from the proud father and walked over to the women.

She tore into me for calling that child a boy. She said "It is not right to call an African-American, boy". I thought she must be joking and I started laughing, I understood calling ANY man "boy" could be degrading and it was especially derogatory to call a black man boy but I called a boy a boy. She went on to tell me that it was showing all of them that I hated black people and they were not going to take it.

The strange thing seemed to me was that I had been the only one talking to the black man while they were all huddled in a corner. I, being my egotistical arrogant self asked directly why they had not been friendly with the black people. The answer surprised me but it should not have. She said "If I talked to that man his child might think that it was ok to play with my girl". I actually found that funny on so many levels that I burst out laughing. My new dad acquaintance came over to see what I was laughing about and so I told him in front of the women.

As soon as the women heard what I was doing they all grabbed their stuff and kids and started off with a couple of the women saying things such as "that man is a racist" while pointing at me as I was talking to a black man. This town is considered a "white" town and by far most of the people are not racist but I do wonder now if the tan, bleached hair, and certain clothes are not just the new white hooded robes of times past.

Talk about burning bridges, I am not sure I will be welcomed back to my current home town for a long time. Well, I at least will not be welcomed back by the women who all look alike.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Buried Treasure

This whole blog thing is nothing more then a diary of my life. It chronicles the things I do, the plans I have, what I am thinking and how I feel. It does amaze me to go back and read what I have written and wonder why I did some of those things but I suppose it is a guy thing. We men tend to act and then think but it does cause a little bit more excitement in our lives.

I am moving and packing my stuff up. this is actually the 3nd time to be packing in the last 4 months  but that is whole different story. I am going through things and tossing out stuff I do not want any longer. It is amazing some of the things that I have found that surprised me that I still had, I had even forgotten  or I even had no idea that I had it in the first place.

1) A love note from an old girlfriend wanting to know why I never wrote to her.

2) A love note to the same old girlfriend telling her I was sorry to have not written but that I will start writing beginning with this one.. (stamped, sealed but never mailed)

3) A copy of my ORIGINAL birth certificate. Proving once and for all that I am not secretly a Kenyan that was born a freak of nature with white skin and blue eyes. To my good Kenyan friend, this is not a slam to Kenya but instead to someone else.... :-)

4) A box of chocolates someone gave me in 2003 for Valentines day. I opened them and they are white instead of brown. I thought about trying one but chickened out.

5) An uncashed paycheck from 1997

6)  A book printed in 1856

7) 5th grade report card I hid in a Hardy Boys book and had claimed it was lost. Yes I still read the Hardy Boys sometimes.

8) A note that my older brother had written me telling me to have a great day. He died when I was 14. (this is a true treasure)

9) Several hundred dollars of currency from other countries. ( this would be a treasure if I were in Peru (maybe this summer) or the Dominican Republic)

10) A letter from an old Sunday School teacher telling me that if I did not straighten up I would  be in prison or dead by the time I was 30. I am not in prison so I must be dead.

Moving has so many little things that makes it exciting but those short moments when you find a treasure from your past are pretty great. I cannot wait to get this move over but till I arrive home I will enjoy everything that comes along with the journey. I always wonder what treasures others have found when they move.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pure Sleaze


I would never write a blog like this but I was shocked beyond belief when I woke up this morning and read my emails.

I have a friend who I trust completely that lives in Seattle, Washington. He was telling me about a woman that we both know. He is friends with her on Facebook and I am not. He told me that a few days ago that her daughter started posting almost nude men on this woman's Facebook wall. The mother made lude comments encouraging the 15 year old daughter and saying things she would like to do to these men. Shortly afterwards the woman started getting complaints so she took them down and explained that the daughter was an artist so it was okay. She said that her daughter saw the men's bodies as art and not as something sexual.

This story reminded me of why my friendship with the woman started to go south. She was telling me one day how her daughter collected condoms and she thought it was funny and even helped her get different kinds, types and colors. She then started bragging how her daughter had started this collection when the girl was 12-13 years old. I of course was a bit dismayed and told her so. This was the start of the end of our friendship because the mother could not understand how inappropriate it was to sexualize such a young girl.

This mornings email had a couple of pictures attached. One of the pictures showed the woman in a bathtub looking straight at the camera. The captions was "I am touching myself and thinking about you". My friend told me that he had never met her but had only known her through Facebook. He found it odd to be receiving such a picture but really did not think much more of it. He said last night he went to her Facebook wall and she had the same picture of herself masturbating on her wall. It had been cropped to hide the "good stuff" but she actually has her masturbation picture out so everyone can see it. When she was asked about it she explained it showed her eyes so well.

This really puts me into a quandary of what to do. She has a child as young as four and other children as well. I told my friend to forward the info to Child Protection Services in Oregon but I assume that nothing will happen. In today's society masturbating in public, sexualizing children and sending out porn to people you do not know seems almost normal.

It sickens me that children are growing up today seeing this type of thing on TV but even worse is that many of their parents are actually encouraging them to participate in the Pure Sleaze in real life.

This is not a fun blog but I had to get it off my chest.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Best Use for a Woman

I am a guy 100% through out, I like guy stuff and do guy things. Women seem to be alien creatures to me at times. This does not mean I do not like women because the fact is I absolutely love these strange creatures and I have been known to get myself in trouble because I am so fascinated by them. The difference between myself today and my 14 year old self years ago is that while I still have no clue how women think, why they act as they do or what they are going to do next I am brave enough today to actually talk to them. I have learned through all of my years on this planet that women do not bite, well at least they do not bite very hard.

In just the last 6 weeks I have sand surfed, ice surfed, eaten squirrel sausage and blown things up in my kitchen several times. These things are probably only something that a guy can truly appreciate and when I am around my guy friends it amazes me how similar we are. We can be from different countries, different religious beliefs and come from complete different back grounds but we have one thing in common and that is we are guys. We all like to do guy things and we speak in that caveman language created only for guys.

This brings up the obvious question of why women are even around. I understand the whole baby thing and help meet thing but surely God did not create women just for sex and cleaning the bathroom for men. I have had reason the last week or so to ponder this question. My life has been a roller coaster and I have handled it like any guy would. I would grab each problem that raised it's head by the proverbial horns and try to twist it and tame it to my liking.

This is where the Aha moment comes for me. I have had some great advice from my male friends and appreciate everything these men have done for me but too often it is something I was doing and failing at spectacularly already. Then I let my macho attitude down a bit and started listening to some of my female friends. Women have the reputation of being kinder and sweeter and that may be true for somethings but they also have a tough side that makes my knees shake.

In just the last couple of weeks I have leaned on my women friends more then my male friends. I have also learned that because their brains are wired differently they create different solutions then I would ever come up with. I have found a strength that I would never have had if I had not listened to my female friends.

When people tell me to get in touch with my feminine side I think to myself that I am not gay and really have no desire to be female. This is why God created women as a help meet, real men do not have a feminine side but we do have a part of us that only women can bring out (once again, we are not talking about sex). I also believe that I have something to offer to my "girl" friends that they could not get from other women. I suppose this means that I am a help meet to women..... funny how God makes it a two way street.

Because I am tired of typing I guess I will end this rambling and answer the question "what is the best use for a woman?". The very simple answer is to listen to them, have a personal relationship with them and one day find one that can stomach you and you then choose to fall in love with her and you then hold her in esteem above all others including yourself.

Women..... If you can't live with them .... then your life probably stinks.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

True Chaos

My life has turned to a perfect example of true Chaos in just the last 24 hours. I really had assumed that I understood the whole idea of chaos because of what I have lived through in the last 3 months. God really does have a great sense of humor though, just as I thought I had learned how to live through bizarre times he turned it up a couple of notches. I would like to make the point that I LOVE change and enjoy challenges in my life. I actually get a thrill out of stress as long as I feel I can have some control over the situation.

Standard English translation

Robert Burns

Small, crafty, cowering, timorous little beast,
O, what a panic is in your little breast!
You need not start away so hasty
With hurrying scamper!
I would be loath to run and chase you,
With murdering plough-staff.
I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
And justifies that ill opinion
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
And fellow mortal!
I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal;
What then? Poor little beast, you must live!
An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves
Is a small request;
I will get a blessing with what is left,
And never miss it.
Your small house, too, in ruin!
Its feeble walls the winds are scattering!
And nothing now, to build a new one,
Of coarse grass green!
And bleak December's winds coming,
Both bitter and keen!
You saw the fields laid bare and wasted,
And weary winter coming fast,
And cozy here, beneath the blast,
You thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel plough past
Out through your cell.
That small bit heap of leaves and stubble,
Has cost you many a weary nibble!
Now you are turned out, for all your trouble,
Without house or holding,
To endure the winter's sleety dribble,
And hoar-frost cold.
But little Mouse, you are not alone,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
Still you are blest, compared with me!
The present only touches you:
But oh! I backward cast my eye,
On prospects dreary!
And forward, though I cannot see,
I guess and fear!

Are you impressed I added poetry to this blog?

As my life is hurtling toward this chaotic state and things seemed out of control something strange happened. In the mail I received two signed CD's from my favorite singer Ava Aston. This really did brighten my day and yes this is a commercial. PLEASE check the link for her latest song. The package had several other great "goodies" as well. Please do not tell her I received the package because it will probably be a few hours till I get to email her a heart felt thanks.

I then was blessed with an absolute wonderful offer from a beautiful and wonderful new friend in Oregon that has taken so much immediate pressure off of my situation and then on top of this I talked to one of my best friends for half an hour. We did not talk about stress or pressure but she just let me escape for that 30 minutes.

It is funny when you realize that God is in control when things go strange and then you realize things are not so bad. Then when you have such great friends as these three women you begin to realize that it is not just you against the world but it is you, God and your friends as well. I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me and it is nice to know that you have friends along for the ride.

Rambling blog from a rambling mind today.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Demise of a Liar

People who know me know that I deal with Politicians and Corporate people on a daily basis. I get to hear all kinds of lies about every topic you can think of. There is one constant that runs through these people as well as those of us that are considered "normal" and that is we all lie. You lie, I lie and everyone who has gasped a breath of air has lied. (I know, there is one exception) This is not about those of us who lie but instead about those who lie for purely malicious reasons not caring who they hurt or what happens to the innocent.

I have had a close experience with a person who stood out and cried great lies about me. My natural reaction was to call them on it, name them publicly  and make them suffer but my friends (true friends) explained to me that the truth does always win out. This is hard to do when you are being accused of actual crimes as well as the willful hurting of people.

A funny thing happened, as I stood my ground telling the truth and biting my tongue at the same time this person faded away. They have slowly started disappearing, what they said has so much less relevance because the truth is now being seen. They use to stand in the spotlight to lie but now they hide in the corners of the internet and even their own homes. There seems to be a series of things a liar does and what their eventual demise is.

1) Proudly proclaim their lie

2) The truth pops up so the liar screams louder

3) The truth is becoming more evident so they start to act hysterical screaming, cursing (maybe only in private) and telling people to not be friends or listen to the people they lie about.

4) The realization that there are now more people who know they are a liar then believe the lie so they start to hunker down.

5) Depression and hiding from those you lied about because so few now believe them and they have been shamed for the liar they are.

I have around 5,000 FB friends on my two accounts with another 600 on my business fan page. I have only blocked two people ever from these accounts. One person who kept posting racist material and another for continually posting obscene material. I have nothing to hide, I even have my walls open so anyone can post, even if they are not a friend. I do not delete posts unless they attack someone else but have never deleted one that attacked me personally (except when the F word was used). I understand why some people do block but it is my belief that the truth will always win out.

We can look to the political arena to see the demise of liars. The problem with Politicians is how seldom the truth is pushed till enough people believe it. Most of the time the truth is no longer proclaimed loudly and clearly after the third step. Instead we tend to think that they are just insane and leave it at that. We as a people need to realize that we cannot stop talking about the truth till the habitual liars fall and not just go crazy. Rod Blagojevich is a great example of the person we leave alone once we decide they are crazy.

I want to thank my friends who had come to the rescue of my sanity when I was on the edge. I am glad to be seeing the demise of the liars and am actually a better man for going through it. My life should never have even paused while those lies were being told because I should have listened to Gods word and known that the truth would win the day. I am not smart enough to just do as the Bible says but needed that extra boost from my friends.

Next time? I hope I am smart enough to just follow Gods Word without needing a boost from my friends but it is still great to have so many good friends..... Thanks

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Divorce Must Be Fun (Update)

I am honestly sad to say that the mans divorce is set to be finalized October the 10th. The woman is now off to a new person and who knows what will happen with her.

I have another friend who is going to get divorced. I am really tired of hearing about all of the people who claim to love God with all of their hearts and yet do not love their own spouse. I am in no way suggesting that a person should stick with someone who is cheating, hurting or anything else like that. but I am aiming this directly at people who are the ones who are cheating and hurting those they claim to love.

The most simple rule to marriage is to make sure your spouse is your best friend. When this no longer applies to your marriage then it is probably time to call a divorce lawyer. I receive all types of emails from people and here is one that points out what I am driving at....

"Michael... How did this even happen...I don't know but I wish someone would help me out here...I love my son...and my life but with ***** I feel something so different!!! I talked to her earlier and I told her that I am in her life forever no matter what path she will choose......I have had many relationships in the past but never in my life has my soul interacted with another soul so deeply...This is not an obsession or just an infatuation but something a lot deeper that I can not quite describe."

This man sent this to me in December and in January his wife filed for divorce and he still cannot figure out why. He blames everyone except himself or the woman of his attraction.

Not to make people think that only men are cads this is one from a woman.

"Michael, I love my best friend with all of my heart. I am willing to do anything for him. I love my parents and children and ***** but they do not understand me. My bff is all I ever think about any more."

This woman is doing the same things as the man. She is actually blaming everyone else but herself for the demise of a marriage. She saw nothing wrong with having a best friend that was married and could not understand why his marriage fell apart after she publicly declared her love for him. She would write on Facebook walls about wanting to play naked with him yet became distraut when questioned by people about her actions.

You should marry your best friend, stay best friends and never look outside of your marriage for that best friend. I would like to say that I have many married women who I have a close relationship with but I NEVER want to be their best friend. That designation should be held for their spouse and  only their spouse.

There are two things you should learn from this blog.

1) If you are not married to your best friend then you probably think "divorce must be fun".

2) If you send me an email about how you love your best friend and you are not married to them then I will probably print it so others can see your foolishness.

To my many friends and aquaintences. please find the one you love before you get married. Make that love consist of a life long friendship. Have other friends, spend time with other friends but never let another person take place of who your best friend should be. If you do find a best friend outside of the one you claim to love then you are creating an evil situation.

I know this is ranting but I am actually sick of all the running around by men and women. We are not animals but a special creation of God. If the picture of marriage is likened to Gods relationship with the church then lets remember that God is not running around looking for a better friend then us nor should we be looking for a better friend then God.

Sorry for the blog but enough is enough! I know there will be people mad that I aired their dirty laundry but the fact is you should not write me and tell me about your sins unless you also understand that it was your fault. I do have friends that have made mistakes and are now paying for them but the ones I do not want to hear from are those who willingly create chaos and then try to blame others for it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Men Are Born Idiots

I am a proud male, if I had to chose which sex to be then being a male would most certainly be one of my top two choices. I do not want people to think that God created us to be idiots but there are times when I am certain that one of the curses cast upon Adam was the curse of locking our brain up for safe keeping and forgetting where we put the key.

This line of thought started this morning when I realized that I needed to plan my road trip that is coming up. It will cover several thousand miles and will take more then two weeks. The trip will be a mixture of business and pleasure and should be fun but is also very important.

Doing what any responsible adult would do I pulled out a map and calendar of dates for which cities I had to be in on what date. I needed to make reservations for hotels, make sure I bought gas outside of the desert and normal things like that. This was a great start of being grown up and handling this trip like an adult.

The problem kicked in within about three minutes of planning. I became bored with the whole idea of plotting and planning and decided that I would just drive to whatever city was next on the itinerary and hope for the best. This might be a fine idea if the trip were only for pleasure but I have to be in different cities cleaned up, on top of my game and with the right material for my meetings.

I then realized that this is how men are, we tend to shoot from the hip and hope for the best. Even after remembering the horror of my last trip to Central America were I packed for a three week trip 25 minutes before I left for the airport, I still will probably not get this trip planned. To me there is something a bit more exciting about facing the unknown unprepared I suppose.

Men, we are idiots but we also have created the most and the best inventions, created the most wealth, ruled most of the world and even found time to create the best art ever to be found. The simple truth is we are at least as good as 50% of the population but we do need that moderation that only a woman can bring. I am not talking about the sweet, dovey eyed women from your dreams but the kind of woman who will slap you upside the head and tell you where you put the key to your brain.

Now I am off to find as many reasons as I can not to plan this trip. I am sure that I will spend more time trying to figure out why I do not have the time to plan it then if I just went ahead and planned it..... but men are born idiots. That is my excuse and I am sticking with it.