
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yoko Ono Muzak

Rushing around today trying to tie the last few loose ends to my personal and business life has left me little time to actually do anything. I am either driving in the stoic silence (sarcasm) of traffic or I am sitting listening to muzak while waiting on hold. I have decided that breathing the fumes of an unregistered Mexican cement truck belching in front of me is better then listening to a muzak remake of anything done by Yoko Ono.

I am not sure if it was the toxic fumes coming from the cement truck or if it was the toxic fumes coming from the remix of Yoko Ono but I had a clear vision of things desired. My life's possibilities are completely open at this juncture in time. I can almost do anything I want from business, entertainment to my love life. This moment in time is one of those rare apexes of opportunities that only happen once or twice in your adult life.

This brings me to my greatest wants from this trek across the continent. I simply want the best for my daughter, rewarding work and true friends. The hard part is true friends because I have no control over other people (someday when I get my flying warrior monkeys that might be different). I have a great start with several people and look forward to making deeper connections with them and also meeting new and exciting people to start off on this journey of opportunity that I have taken.

It really does not make any difference what a person is. Your color, creed or national origin does not make you a good or bad person. Rich, poor or what your job is does not make much difference either. The heart and the tongue makes all of the difference. As far as I know, and I maybe wrong, most peoples hearts are the same color and the tongue colors do not vary much either.  I am open to meeting anyone and look forward to every experience that is coming my way.

This is an absolute zero blog but it is what comes from the mind of a man who has been breathing fumes from an unregistered Mexican cement truck belching in front of me all day.


  1. Even you absolute zero blogs are worth reading. I wish I could put my thoughts on paper.

  2. I should have proof-read that last statement.
