
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Divorce Must Be Fun (Update)

I am honestly sad to say that the mans divorce is set to be finalized October the 10th. The woman is now off to a new person and who knows what will happen with her.

I have another friend who is going to get divorced. I am really tired of hearing about all of the people who claim to love God with all of their hearts and yet do not love their own spouse. I am in no way suggesting that a person should stick with someone who is cheating, hurting or anything else like that. but I am aiming this directly at people who are the ones who are cheating and hurting those they claim to love.

The most simple rule to marriage is to make sure your spouse is your best friend. When this no longer applies to your marriage then it is probably time to call a divorce lawyer. I receive all types of emails from people and here is one that points out what I am driving at....

"Michael... How did this even happen...I don't know but I wish someone would help me out here...I love my son...and my life but with ***** I feel something so different!!! I talked to her earlier and I told her that I am in her life forever no matter what path she will choose......I have had many relationships in the past but never in my life has my soul interacted with another soul so deeply...This is not an obsession or just an infatuation but something a lot deeper that I can not quite describe."

This man sent this to me in December and in January his wife filed for divorce and he still cannot figure out why. He blames everyone except himself or the woman of his attraction.

Not to make people think that only men are cads this is one from a woman.

"Michael, I love my best friend with all of my heart. I am willing to do anything for him. I love my parents and children and ***** but they do not understand me. My bff is all I ever think about any more."

This woman is doing the same things as the man. She is actually blaming everyone else but herself for the demise of a marriage. She saw nothing wrong with having a best friend that was married and could not understand why his marriage fell apart after she publicly declared her love for him. She would write on Facebook walls about wanting to play naked with him yet became distraut when questioned by people about her actions.

You should marry your best friend, stay best friends and never look outside of your marriage for that best friend. I would like to say that I have many married women who I have a close relationship with but I NEVER want to be their best friend. That designation should be held for their spouse and  only their spouse.

There are two things you should learn from this blog.

1) If you are not married to your best friend then you probably think "divorce must be fun".

2) If you send me an email about how you love your best friend and you are not married to them then I will probably print it so others can see your foolishness.

To my many friends and aquaintences. please find the one you love before you get married. Make that love consist of a life long friendship. Have other friends, spend time with other friends but never let another person take place of who your best friend should be. If you do find a best friend outside of the one you claim to love then you are creating an evil situation.

I know this is ranting but I am actually sick of all the running around by men and women. We are not animals but a special creation of God. If the picture of marriage is likened to Gods relationship with the church then lets remember that God is not running around looking for a better friend then us nor should we be looking for a better friend then God.

Sorry for the blog but enough is enough! I know there will be people mad that I aired their dirty laundry but the fact is you should not write me and tell me about your sins unless you also understand that it was your fault. I do have friends that have made mistakes and are now paying for them but the ones I do not want to hear from are those who willingly create chaos and then try to blame others for it.


  1. Let me guess, the first letter is written by a guy who just went to Califonia. hahaha!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I do ask that no names be given about people you are mad at. I am sorry if you are angry at someone even if you have the right to be so.

  4. Well, there are situations in which a divorce is the only answer...abuse, adultery, etc., but even in these situations a reconciliation is still possible if both parties are willing to work on it. But couples who do not go into marriage with a view of a forever commitment, are barking up the wrong tree to begin with, in my opinion. People have to come far too much to a "marriage is disposable" attitude. "Till death do we part" is a long time, and the time to think about that is BEFORE you get married. You are making these vows before God, so they need to be taken seriously.

  5. I agree Terri, I did not want this blog to be taken to mean that you should stick around with a dangerous person. I wanted this blog to be aimed AT the dangerous person.

  6. Been married 42 yrs. now and am here to tell young couples that a good marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence; it is greener where it is watered. Get on with watering and fertilizing the relationship you already have and quit fantasizing about someone else. Love is an act of the will, not some fanciful dream state.

  7. Michael, I truly appreciate your take on topics of this nature. You're very clear, direct, with no areas of grey allowed for someone to justify their indiscretions. Thank you for holding up a standard.. God Bless! ~ Julie L.

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  9. Once again I ask that no names be used in the comment section. Trashing me is fine but not people who are not here to protect themselves.

  10. Doug is such a loser.... a drug head, insane person who just does not get it.

