
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today is Norooz

 This blog is boring.... do not read unless you are needing a nap..

Today is Norooz, an ancient Persian holiday a kin to our New Years day. Many of my friends understand that I do have a passion for the Persian people and culture and why I do. In my house we celebrate 3 different days for New Years, the American one and of course we all know that the American one is the real one because well... it is the one Americans celebrate, the Chinese New Years simply because it is a great excuse to blow stuff up, watch dragons and eat to much in the lean months of winter and then the Persian Norooz. To start with Norooz is NOT an Islamic holiday, if you are anti-Muslim get over it, the holiday is over 3,000 years old and if you are Muslim then get over it because Norooz is over 1,500 years older then the Koran.

This year the idea of Norooz (New Day) and a new beginning holds a very special meaning to me. I am starting a new life, with new friends, a new town and a new way of life. The tradition of spring cleaning is too the extreme, I have found things I did not even know I owned (like a gun). I bought more new clothes for my daughter and I because of a different climate and have sold off or given away many things that I have had for years.

This Norooz truly is a new beginning for me and part of that new start is tossing over my shoulder the problems of the past year. Forgiving those who have trespassed me and asking those whom I have hurt to forgive me of my transgressions. I understand it may shock many people that I have actually done anything wrong but it is true, I have done wrong to someone at least once this year (actually many more times then that but I do have an image of perfection to uphold).

So as the dawn of spring has occurred and the snow is piling up (thanks Al Gore) I am left to the mush in my head to work out what my New Year shall bring. I look to the future with hope and the past with thankfulness. If I have hurt you for no cause then let me know and you maybe surprised that I will ask for forgiveness. I have let go of the past and am ready for tomorrow.

Side note...... To my Czechoslovakian friend who celebrates Norooz as well, your words are wise. I hate the fact that you push me over the line back to sanity so often yet I do not get the same chance to reciprocate. I suppose it has to do with you being a bit smarter.... :-)

Thank you to all of my old friends and welcome to my new friends, this year should be spectacular.


  1. ~~Very nice. Forgiving and asking for for forgiven is the best way to go before you start over. I admire that. A new dawn is going to be starting real soon for you and it's all good. You're always in y prayers

  2. We both have an exciting time in our life coming up, lets make sure we keep each other up to date.

  3. What you call Norooz... Is something I practice on a daily basis... I will stop at the end of the day and look over the days events and welcome into myself all of the new and good things... The rest I look at, and after I have fully understood why I don't need this in my life... I discard... Call it an inventory, call it an overview... Call it whatever you want to call it... I believe in "out with the old and in with the new".
    Each day is a NEW day though and there are new experiences to be had... And old ones to do away with. I don't need a special day to celebrate life and all that life is.... Everyday is special to me... I am alive and well and the powers that be have smiled yet again to make my life and my day special... As to making amends. I try and handle the situations as they come along. I have long practiced doing unto others. I treat all people as if they are special and precious to me... Because they are...I try and not step on toes or ruffle feathers... And when "God forbid" I do. I make amends right away and don't leave it for another day or time... If at the end of my day I find I have done a wrong to someone. I try to fix the wrong as soon as I am able...
    I have lived my life this way for many years and it works for me... I try and keep my spiritual cleanliness up to day..

  4. Thank you for your comments. Very true ideas and I do appreciate them.

  5. I have never heard of Norooz, Michael. Thank you for introducing me to something new. I think it's a great idea! God bless you on your upcoming adventure! I have no doubt you will succeed! :-) awf
