
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Demise of a Liar

People who know me know that I deal with Politicians and Corporate people on a daily basis. I get to hear all kinds of lies about every topic you can think of. There is one constant that runs through these people as well as those of us that are considered "normal" and that is we all lie. You lie, I lie and everyone who has gasped a breath of air has lied. (I know, there is one exception) This is not about those of us who lie but instead about those who lie for purely malicious reasons not caring who they hurt or what happens to the innocent.

I have had a close experience with a person who stood out and cried great lies about me. My natural reaction was to call them on it, name them publicly  and make them suffer but my friends (true friends) explained to me that the truth does always win out. This is hard to do when you are being accused of actual crimes as well as the willful hurting of people.

A funny thing happened, as I stood my ground telling the truth and biting my tongue at the same time this person faded away. They have slowly started disappearing, what they said has so much less relevance because the truth is now being seen. They use to stand in the spotlight to lie but now they hide in the corners of the internet and even their own homes. There seems to be a series of things a liar does and what their eventual demise is.

1) Proudly proclaim their lie

2) The truth pops up so the liar screams louder

3) The truth is becoming more evident so they start to act hysterical screaming, cursing (maybe only in private) and telling people to not be friends or listen to the people they lie about.

4) The realization that there are now more people who know they are a liar then believe the lie so they start to hunker down.

5) Depression and hiding from those you lied about because so few now believe them and they have been shamed for the liar they are.

I have around 5,000 FB friends on my two accounts with another 600 on my business fan page. I have only blocked two people ever from these accounts. One person who kept posting racist material and another for continually posting obscene material. I have nothing to hide, I even have my walls open so anyone can post, even if they are not a friend. I do not delete posts unless they attack someone else but have never deleted one that attacked me personally (except when the F word was used). I understand why some people do block but it is my belief that the truth will always win out.

We can look to the political arena to see the demise of liars. The problem with Politicians is how seldom the truth is pushed till enough people believe it. Most of the time the truth is no longer proclaimed loudly and clearly after the third step. Instead we tend to think that they are just insane and leave it at that. We as a people need to realize that we cannot stop talking about the truth till the habitual liars fall and not just go crazy. Rod Blagojevich is a great example of the person we leave alone once we decide they are crazy.

I want to thank my friends who had come to the rescue of my sanity when I was on the edge. I am glad to be seeing the demise of the liars and am actually a better man for going through it. My life should never have even paused while those lies were being told because I should have listened to Gods word and known that the truth would win the day. I am not smart enough to just do as the Bible says but needed that extra boost from my friends.

Next time? I hope I am smart enough to just follow Gods Word without needing a boost from my friends but it is still great to have so many good friends..... Thanks


  1. Liars never seem to learn though.

  2. Someone wise once said that the truth shall set you free. :-) awf

  3. ``````````VERY NICE```````````````

  4. Janet, you will understand this. I hate to say it but I feel good that I came out on top without having to play in the mud like they did.

  5. Thanks, Michael, you will never know how much it meant today to read this. For the last week I have felt like I was caught up in an old rerun of the 80's Dallas series dealing with J.R. Ewing. This has helped clarify a few things and now I can just wait upon the Lord to work in the situation knowing He will work it for our good.

  6. I appreciate the thanks, believe me I have been through the whole soap opera thing and thankfully I had friends who kept me from playing the game.

  7. I aqree with you and appreciate your article.

  8. It's unfortunate but the more a sincere innocent person defends themselves from vicious liars the more the liars twist their times it is best to just defend yourself quietly and with actions keep being yourself...but, do not forget that the more a lie is said the more it becomes truth as those who use it know only too well how well it works:

    "A lie told often enough becomes truth" Vladimir Lenin.

    William James (1842-1910) The father of modern Psychology "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it."

    Actually Adolf Hitler said it, that's how he got many people of Nazi Germany during that time to discriminate against the Jews

  9. That is why you have to keep telling the truth. I found that defending against a lie does not work but telling the truth when ever the occasion happens works great. A lie compared to the truth dies and that is why totalitarian governments keep the truth hidden. Tell the lie and people will believe but tell the lie while the truth is next to it and the lie dies.

    Internet, TV, Newspaper and other restrictions are the norm in certain countries because the government lie cannot exist in an open society for very long.

  10. I very much appreciate your article. I grew up living with a liar who lied so much, so often that it set the course of his life. Myself and my family knew he lied all the time, but out of false love we did not confront him. Even in his old age he continues this lifestyle of lying both in his personal and professional life. I now know that I should have called him on his constant lies. The moral of our lives is that he murdered our dad by telling doctors my dad begged him to help him die because of his horrible suffering. By the time I found out about his lying about my dad, a doctor had my dad's medicine removed and it cost my dad his life while in a hospital waiting for a simple procedure. When confronted, my brother lied that he had nothing at all to do with dad's murder even though the medical records prove the opposite. Don't excuse or tolerate liars, the consequences can be devastating.
