
Friday, March 5, 2010

The Best Use for a Woman

I am a guy 100% through out, I like guy stuff and do guy things. Women seem to be alien creatures to me at times. This does not mean I do not like women because the fact is I absolutely love these strange creatures and I have been known to get myself in trouble because I am so fascinated by them. The difference between myself today and my 14 year old self years ago is that while I still have no clue how women think, why they act as they do or what they are going to do next I am brave enough today to actually talk to them. I have learned through all of my years on this planet that women do not bite, well at least they do not bite very hard.

In just the last 6 weeks I have sand surfed, ice surfed, eaten squirrel sausage and blown things up in my kitchen several times. These things are probably only something that a guy can truly appreciate and when I am around my guy friends it amazes me how similar we are. We can be from different countries, different religious beliefs and come from complete different back grounds but we have one thing in common and that is we are guys. We all like to do guy things and we speak in that caveman language created only for guys.

This brings up the obvious question of why women are even around. I understand the whole baby thing and help meet thing but surely God did not create women just for sex and cleaning the bathroom for men. I have had reason the last week or so to ponder this question. My life has been a roller coaster and I have handled it like any guy would. I would grab each problem that raised it's head by the proverbial horns and try to twist it and tame it to my liking.

This is where the Aha moment comes for me. I have had some great advice from my male friends and appreciate everything these men have done for me but too often it is something I was doing and failing at spectacularly already. Then I let my macho attitude down a bit and started listening to some of my female friends. Women have the reputation of being kinder and sweeter and that may be true for somethings but they also have a tough side that makes my knees shake.

In just the last couple of weeks I have leaned on my women friends more then my male friends. I have also learned that because their brains are wired differently they create different solutions then I would ever come up with. I have found a strength that I would never have had if I had not listened to my female friends.

When people tell me to get in touch with my feminine side I think to myself that I am not gay and really have no desire to be female. This is why God created women as a help meet, real men do not have a feminine side but we do have a part of us that only women can bring out (once again, we are not talking about sex). I also believe that I have something to offer to my "girl" friends that they could not get from other women. I suppose this means that I am a help meet to women..... funny how God makes it a two way street.

Because I am tired of typing I guess I will end this rambling and answer the question "what is the best use for a woman?". The very simple answer is to listen to them, have a personal relationship with them and one day find one that can stomach you and you then choose to fall in love with her and you then hold her in esteem above all others including yourself.

Women..... If you can't live with them .... then your life probably stinks.


  1. And really that's all most women really want, Michael, is for the man they love to actually sit down , look into their eyes, and talk like a human being to them and listen when they talk. We need that connection. We're not as complicated as it seems. Most of the things we do even if unconsciously sometimes is just to get you guys to make that connection.

  2. I really enjoyed this. Most guys don't look at women in this way and I appreciate you taking the time to give guys a different view!

  3. Since you are single would you be interested in getting married? :0)

  4. Hmmmm, actually when I marry it will be to my absolute best friend.

  5. Beautifully Put!!

  6. It’s important to have a woman who helps at home.

    It’s important to have a woman who cooks from time to time.

    It’s important to have a woman who keeps the house clean.

    It’s important to have a woman who has a job.

    It’s important to have a woman who likes you.

    It’s important to have a woman who can be your very best friend.

    It’s important to have a woman who can make you laugh.

    It’s important to have a woman who you can trust, who doesn’t
    Lie to you.

    It’s important to have a woman who is good in bed.

    It’s very, very important that these nine women do not know each

    Tiger Woods

  7. Thank you, Michael. I agree w/all the previous posts. You will find that special someone to share your life with (share being the operative word). To me, that is what women really want. To be your partner, not your step stool and not your mama. :-)awf

  8. Right on, Michael. You are light years ahead of many men!

  9. I love everything you write Michael, but this one is the absolute best!!

  10. All men think they know women when they are 18, wait another 25 years.

  11. Very true, I am exactly 18+25 and I do know so much more today then I did when I was 18.
