
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Self Destruction

This is a strange blog entry, it has to do with watching the self destruction of a person who at one time had a very bright future. The following description could easily cover many people that I know and I am sure it will cover people you know as well. This entry has nothing to do with kicking the dead dog laying in the front yard (you have to love Oklahoma sayings) but more to do with my catharsis  effort to purge myself of any ill will towards the person.

People are people (a Depeche Mode quote, I am good today on quotes and sayings ) and sometimes good people just do not get along. Two decent people can have a spat, part ways and never speak ill of  each other. I have always assumed this is the way it worked. In my line of business I meet 1,000's of people and as hard as it is to believe there are actually a few of them who just do not like me. This does not mean anything bad about me nor them it just means for one reason or other we just did not mesh.

I guess the trouble started when this person and I just did not click any more. Months after the parting of ways they are still actively fighting a fight that is one sided, I have no desire to get into the mire and slug it out with them. They are a fantastic writer and set out to write a blog entry everyday starting on January 1st of this year, this month they only have one blog entry. In all of their time and effort spent fighting a fight that they are the only one concerned with they have forgotten their true love of writing original material.

I was told a couple of days ago by a mutual friend that the person in question is irate that my humble inept ramblings actually has 100's of readers while their blog languishes in the oblivion of cyberspace. The fact is that a personal blog is NOT a competition but instead it is just an open diary that the whole world can peek at if they want to. I assume that my blog has readers for the same reason that people have to slow down and look at a train wreck as they pass by.

This poor person is slowly spinning out of control, they have become obsessed with who my Facebook friends are and have spent much time going through the lists and demanding that my friends drop me. This is not such a bad thing but on my Oregon account I have many people who I do not know yet and I am trying to introduce myself to them and get acquainted with them before I actually move there. So far there have been VERY few who have dropped me and everyone of them I can totally understand why. I had three people just yesterday tell me that this person demanded that they drop me as a friend but they refused.

This person is nothing more then an irritant to me. Their own life is spinning out of control as they waste more time fighting phantom enemies then they do trying to use the talent that God has given them. Honestly, there are times when I do get angry with them but there is a solution that works every time and calms me down immediately. I look at where they where before they started this fiasco and I see where they are today and then the most important thing..... I pray for them. It is ne'er impossible to have an argument with someone when you are praying for their well being.

Simply put, today's blog is just an effort for me to understand my own brain. It actually does help to write it down and be able to look it over.

If someone approaches you and tells you to drop a friend (me or anyone else) understand that person is probably sinking into the abyss of their own disillusionment. Feel sorry for them and yet even better start praying for them because the odds are they need it.


  1. I know that praying for my enemies works wonders for me.

  2. I love reading your blogs. This person is obviously jealous of you. I am amazed, after what this person has tried to do to you, that you have the mindset to pray for him, but I also believe that is exactly what God wants you to do. God Bless you, Michael! :-) awf

  3. I don't know (or care) who this person is, just wonder if there aren't more worthwhile things and people to pray for.

  4. Nope, at least for me sometimes praying for someone does more good for myself then it does them. I wonder what that means about my effectiveness....:-)

  5. I know so many people myself that cannot let go of an argument.

    - TN

  6. Michael, you know so many crazy people, I'm not surprised that you would know this nut as well. Sarah H.

  7. You are doing a good thing Michael. God says to forgive and to pray. What more needs to be said.

  8. I really have found that praying for a person takes the spotlight off of how I feel and takes the "fun" out of any spat I would have with the person.

  9. What kind of high school games is this person trying to play? They need to grow up and act like an adult and stop playing childhood games. Keep praying for them Michael because it is obvious they need all the prayer they can get.


  10. ~~Michael, I give you credit. Praying for this soul is more than likely the only thing that you can do at this point...It is not your fault that you have so many friends.. Envy is so ugly..Keep fighting the good fight.

  11. Janet, you and I have talked about this and we both agree it is the best solution.

  12. Some people are just crazy and will always look to blame their problems on other people.
