
Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Woman I Love

Over the last couple of weeks on my blogs (yesterday was surreal), inbox and emails I have been "hit on" by several women. Today is a super busy day as I am saying my last goodbyes and finishing my last chores before I leave. Since this will be a short and sweet blog I thought I would cover this situation simply because I am lazy and really do not want to have to think to hard.

I am honored that anyone would consider me to be the right guy and would never try and degrade a person for feeling that way. I can promise you though that I am not that great of a catch. I am not looking for a love at this time but I am leaving it all to God and his timing.

When I do find the love of my life there are some simple things that I will look for.

I want a woman who loves God

I want a woman who is honest

I want a woman who is faithful

I want a woman who was a friend first and then a love

I want her to be a woman because I am a heterosexual

See..... a short blog for a wild day. I hope to be back to "normal" mode on my blogs in a couple of days. Thanks for putting up with my witless ramblings for the last few days and I hope you will stick around for the next couple of strange ones to come.


  1. Is this a suicide note?

  2. What kind of a man would want a woman who has to beg a man to marry her??
    I agree with you Michael. When the time is right, the right one will come along. You and she will become the best of friends and fall in love. That is the only way any relationship can work.
    I too want to marry my best friend and I will await him patiently until God brings us together.

  3. are really egotistical.

  4. I promise you that Michael is not egotistical and that is why I love him as well as other women love him. He is a down to earth guy who is not looking for some hot babe. He wants a real woman and if I were not already married I would be in line waiting for him along with several others.


  5. <3<3 A well said statement. :) :) :)

  6. If you think Michael is egotistical then you don't know him. He jokes about it but he doesn't have one fiber of a big ego in him. Dude, you are just jealous that you are not as well liked and loved as Michael.


  7. LOL.... whatever you say causes a commotion. I guess it shows that people care about everything you say.


    Call me again Michael

  8. Good post, Michael. I agree with every criteria as you but I want a Godly man. No other will do.

  9. Thank you for not saying what you want in how a woman looks. To many men and women are stuck on looks.

  10. tn your post also reflects me. I am married and am blessed with a very good and nice man who is my best friend and can make me laugh even when I'm cranky.

    There are so many forms of love and to say I love Michael means I love his zest for life, his optimism which helps me to look at life differently, his honor and decency and the list goes on for miles:) I did not propose yesterday for the obvious reasons - LOL. Still, when Michael finds that special friend he's looking for, I will be so very, very happy for him. Won't all of you?


  11. Cheryl..... I do love you as a friend and always will. Thankfully you and I have a full understanding where we stand and I can have full trust in what you say and you can have full trust in what I tell you. I hope nobody thought you were one of "them". :-)

  12. I don't care what people say, I would marry you if you would only ask!

  13. Michael, you really seem to be a big jerk leading all of these sheep to the slaughter. I hate people like you who use women and then spit them out. I don't know what you say to them but you should write a book and get rich.

  14. good blog,,, and anonymous who said "leading these sheep to slaughter... you are way out of line... don't know how you arrived at that conclusion

  15. To Anonymous, you are the big jerk because we all like him for being a nice guy. I pick all of my friends by the same criteria that is listed in this article. That does not make me a snob but just a person who is looking for nice people to be friends with.

  16. Tammy Goss VelasquezMarch 28, 2010 at 9:29 PM

    Michael, you have been through so much. You deserve only the best. God will see you through.

  17. Thanks Tammy, I honestly do appreciate your friendship more then you will probably ever know.

  18. Trust is a wonderful thing. Thank you! Cheryl

  19. It's easy how he can make the slaughter comment. He is probably a man with some serious mothering issues.

  20. Slaughter? The nice thing about Michael is he is honest and does not expect anything from me except friendship. A sheep to slaughter is probably what you would do to people if you had any friends.

  21. Was that your problem friend, Michael? If so she is very vindictive, and very miserable.
    You have a lot of friends who wish you the very best because you deserve it. Maybe you'll move to Franklin, Ohio someday.

  22. Michael, I agree w/Cheryl. I was not part of the proposal group, but I knew it was all in good fun. I also agree w/Mary. That person who made that derogatory comment was way out of line and obviously either doesn't know you or is just trying to ruffle your feathers. I am sure that when the time is right, God will show you the right one. Best of luck, my friend. :-) awf

  23. It seems funny to see a couple of people who are envious of a guy because he has friends and then they call him names. It appears that if they knew how to speak without calling names they might actually have friends themselves.

  24. Besides fat, hairy men and obnoxious teenage boys there are not any real men in Florence. I can't wait till you show up. ;-)

  25. Fresh meat coming to Florence ladies! All you desperate welfare recipients line up. He says he doesn't want a relationship right away but lists the criteria so you can fake it til' you make it.

  26. lol... good point but I have a question, which one of the 5 items would you not want?

    I want a woman who loves God (one who hates God?)

    I want a woman who is honest (One who lies to you?)

    I want a woman who is faithful (One who cheats on you?)

    I want a woman who was a friend first and then a love (One you do not even like?)

    I want her to be a woman because I am a heterosexual (One that is the same sex as you because ... well, you are just special that way?)

    Just curious what part of the list is not generic and could not be used by almost anybody. OK, they would have to be sane and straight.

  27. Doesn't it seem a little odd that the only people who sound angry at you appear to be losers who could not even get a blind date with a dog.


  28. I really do love you Michael and I will do whatever you ask of me. You say it and I will do it XOXOXOXOXO.


  29. Rebeka you are scary hun. How can you LOVE someone you have never met? Get a life sweetie.

  30. Michael, I will be praying that the Lord brings just the person He has prepared for you to love and be loved by into your life to help you love and raise your daughter.

  31. Michael, I really do love you as a brother and pray that you will have a safe trip. Don't fall for "strange" women but keep your heart and mind pure.

  32. I still think you are an egotistical monster.

  33. Anonymous... you really have to be stupid to keep sticking your neck out. Michael has more friends who love him then people who know you even exist.

    Stephanie D.

  34. lol.... I wonder how big of an ego it takes to NOT find it strange to go on someone else blog and write in the comments how you personally feel about them. I really do wonder why you make these hits so public yet you are afraid to leave your name. :-)

  35. Michael have you noticed that the only people who seem to not like you are guys that are jealous of you. I am so glad to have you as a friend and would rather have you as a friend I love then 100 other people who do not understand what the word friend even means.


  36. you know who cares what people think .. really .. you really should not give a 2 cents about it .. I find it hillarious that it would even be a rant .. when the time is right God will place a woman in your life .. for you and your daughter , but I so have watched the women .. flock to new meat in Flow town .. wow how desperate are they .. well good luck in your new life .. and can't wait to hang out .. hahah a.. just had to say it LOL ..

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Sorry but that was just really rude.
