
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4250 Kilometers Till Home

4250+ kilometers till I make it home, the strange thing is how many of these will be racked up in Oklahoma going up and down the turnpike. I understand the strange thoughts about how a guy could be going 1450 miles and yet tacking on a little more then 1000 extra miles. There is no way to explain except I want to see my grandmother, make a couple of runs to Tulsa and then see as many of my friends as I can along the way to my new home. I actually thought about taking a side trip to Boston but realized that was about 5 miles to far out of the way from my trip from Oklahoma to Oregon.

I have not met any vampires yet but I did run into the first rattler of the season. I had a guy ask me for a ride at a gas station and I would have considered it but I was going the opposite direction. If I had taken him on as a rider I think I would have talked non stop about a new cult that I started. It would have something to do with Aliens, ghost, computers that can read your inner most feelings and mental illness.... wait, that is Scientology. I guess I would have to come up with something else.

I really wish I had the imagination of L. R. Hubbard because that is an amazing story. I guess while you are traveling your mind wanders and roams to the edge of sanity. I just wonder how far Hubbard drove before he came up with such a great idea. I really do admire the guy and wish he were still alive to continue the amazing story that a million plus people believe.

This has not been an interesting day yet but it is still young. I hope to have a better update a little later in the day.


  1. I wish I were going with you.

  2. Michael, Do not pick up hitch hikers, Scary people out there.I hope that the sun is shining in your world..I am smiling..You know what I mean.
