
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not a Normal Ghost Story

This is a strange blog entry, it has to do with helping a friend out with a strange question. I have to say that the story I am going to relate may not be believable by most people but I totally believe the friend who told me the story. He asked for me to see if anyone else has an experience like his or if anyone can come up with an explanation for the events that have occurred in his life. You can leave a comment or you can email me to keep your privacy private.

He told me about some odd creatures that have "visited" him for almost his whole life (starting from earliest memory, age 3), no, they are not ghost, aliens or anything that you would normally read about. These creatures are "light men", they have the shape of men (and women) but glow a green, red or a blue. They have a defined human shape and appear solid but they do not have distinct facial features but instead just a glow. They seem to only show up when something big has happened, is happening or is about to happen both good and bad.

They seem to show up normally at night but they do not always wait till sun down. He had a death in his family and they showed up in the middle of the day. Now, I know this sounds like some kind of angel type thing but let me explain what he said about their actions.... it does not seem to make any sense (like the any of the rest of this story makes sense)

These people glow in the dark and come as a single person or as a small group. They talk amongst themselves, he says that you can sometimes hear them talk but you cannot make out the actual words being said. They seem interested in him but while they may talk with each other they never actually talk to him.

He explained that it was almost like they seemed that they were not quite here yet they would look at him or even stare at times......

Not a regular ghost story, I know. I would like to know if anyone else has ever had an experience with "light people" or at least have an idea what this poor chap has been experiencing. Please email me, post here or inbox me if you would like to keep it private.


  1. If this is a serious blog how can I email you?

  2. email me at

  3. It sounds very similar to the symptomology of a seizure disorder. Light, figures, people talking but not to you. All present in some seizures. Have your friend check with a neurologist to have some simple tests.
    Love ya, Sheila

  4. Sheila, I hate to say this but I do not have your number. I guess I could call my dad and get it.

    Love you
