It is quite well known that women from the first moment of history will find a guy and then work for the rest of their life to try and change him into something other then what he actually is. I have found myself changed in several ways, by Judy, that actually surprised me. I figure these changes just crept up because I am not sure when the actual moment of change happened.
This is a short list out of many things that I now do different then when Judy first started her project.
1) I go barefoot outside all the time.... Judy never does but I do.
2) I actually like seafood now. This probably has to do with eating seafood the same day it was caught. Eat at Red Lobster? Never again.
3) I have learned to not eat stuff that you found on the ground.
4) I now take the trash out before things start growing in it.
5) Watching sports is fun and can even be a hobby but it is not a way of life.
6) A good movie does not have to have explosions in it. I still do think that it can even help a chick flick if there are enough car chases, explosions or cool things in the movie though.
7) Muscles (the food) should not need to be stomped on, hammered or thrown against a wall to get them open after they have been steamed.... I ate one and was pleasantly surprised (sarcasm) that a few hours later I could see again everything I had eaten the previous week.
8) Being a Yankee is not a disease but actually there are many benefits to it.
9) Duct tape does NOT fix everything.
10) Having your best friend be your mate for life is the most wondrous thing.... Ok, some of these are not actual changes but they are things I have learned.