
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Proving to the world that I can see the future.

The Gorilla's Best Friend

March 17, 2010... I wrote this and look where I am today. You have to at least think it is odd.

The "400 Pound Gorilla" is getting married today, if you do not know who that is then you do not live anywhere close to the state of Oklahoma. I actually find this interesting for reasons I suppose most people do not. Ron is a great guy who I have admired for years. I would never speak ill of him because in a very strange way I own him so much.

Until about 7 years ago I never had much to do with any type of media or publishing, I actually stumbled into radio broadcasting purely on accident. Newspapers, political consulting, radio, Indie productions and even music events are all things that I have done but Ron went first. There is no competition between us because quite frankly I could not even come close to competing with him.

Ron is really about the only guy I know that I can ask my bizarre questions to and he does not flinch but gives a great answer. For instance, I asked him about the odds of a really ugly person running for office and what advice I should give them. Most people would be aghast that such a question was asked but Ron gave a great answer that solved a problem.

I always seem to be a year or two behind whatever Ron does, this does not bother me but instead lets me know what pitfalls lay ahead. He is like the scout in the old westerns that goes ahead of the group, gets shot up and makes it back to say "do not do what I just did". We even have daughters that are close to the same age but his girl is one grade ahead of mine. He is from the Pacific North West and moved to Oklahoma and I am from Oklahoma and moving to the Pacific North West.

Ron is a great guy but his Bride is even better. I honestly think she is one of the smartest, most talented and kindest people I have met on Facebook. The whole synopsis of this blog comes down to the Gorilla's girl. The thing I find fascinating about these two great people getting married is two words "best friends".

I have been screaming from the top of my lungs for the last month to everyone I know that if you are not married to your best friend then you are in trouble. I have had several people tell me how wrong I was but through some hard times I did discover that your best friend better be your spouse.

Ron over the last couple of months had mentioned that his Bride was his best friend. He became almost over protective of her but never mentioned that he had a romantic interest (publicly). When her status changed to in a relationship on FB I knew who it was with. They had done exactly what I myself had only recently discovered and that is best friends should be together for life.

The scary thing to me is that Ron is getting married today to his best friend. Since I seem to follow in his footsteps I guess I need to hurry up and find a best friend, any suggestions?

I want to say congratulations to two very kind and important people to me, Ron and Shawnnessy congratulations for finding and keeping your best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice...You also married your best friend.. 2011 will be the year for many happy memories, so get going..
