
Friday, February 4, 2011

The Hardcore Truth

Many people know me and some of the different things that I have done in my life. There are many good things and many bad things and honestly some strange things as well. This is nothing different then what every normal person experiences throughout their life but I do have one thing that separates me from at least 95% of the rest of the world, I have found a woman who is truly glorious who actually loves me.

Judy and I started out as just people who agreed on an issue of rights. We talked a little back and forth and got to like each other. Now, to be honest I did check out her pictures on FB from the start and thought she was a beautiful woman but that is not what interested me. We became friends and started talking quite a bit about our different aspects of life, both the good and the bad.

To make this long story much shorter over about 12 months she became my best friend and the rest is history.

I just want to take this time to let people know what Judy means to me....

Judy is my best friend, I have been able to count on her when the chips were down.
Judy has the artistic flair that I so desire but I never had exist within myself
Judy has the mind to not only equal me but to far surpass anything that my poor brain could conceive.
Judy is the one I want to talk to first when something great or terrible occurs.
Judy is the one that I want to sit with quietly and just hold hands.
Judy is the one that see beauty in things that I never knew existed
Judy is NOT my better half but instead she is the one who makes me who I am. She is my totality to life.

Today is Judy Henson's birthday and I want to let her know that I love her and on August 3, 2050 you will be the key to make my life goal complete.

Syrupy blog? you bet but I do love Judy.

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