
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Colors of Music

Let me be honest and pull no punches on this matter, I am an old geek and many years ago in my salad days (salad days is a term only old geeks use) I was a young geek. As I have grown older there has been one constant that has run through my life and that is the love of music. I have always listened to music that I liked and assumed that since I liked it others would appreciate it as well but the truth is that very few people have the same tastes as I do.

The way I have viewed music is that it is the magic that brings color into ones life. There are the dark and foreboding colors of music, the bright and airy ones, the wondrous and vibrant colors, the deep colors and even the psychedelic colors for hippies and other assorted strange people. I maybe the whitest man on earth, well, ever since Michael Jackson died, but I love for my music to be colored all shades and hues available.

This brings me to my original idea for this blog. I have always wondered about the few people I know that actually have an ear for popular music. I wonder if they can see the colors a bit more truer then I can or if they are some how more attuned to what is pleasing to most people. I am not talking about the folks who jump on the band wagon early of what ever pop sensation is emerging but instead the ones who can gleam the beautiful colors early and see the magic before other people. I am sadly not in this group but instead I seem to see colors in music that others are blind too.

I was sent a link to an article written by a friend of mine that proves that while I may not be hep and cool at least I know people who are. I would suggest that you check this young lady's writings if you want to know what today what will be hot tomorrow.  I am not advertising Michelle but instead I am bragging that I am following her before she becomes a New York Times top 10 best selling author.

Turning Up the Bass With Jazz

 Check out the date that it was written

If you wonder who I would pick as the next big thing in music you can check him out here...





  1. Music = Colors, I like that.

  2. I miss talking with you Michael, call me or email me sometime. Great blog as well!


  3. "If you wonder who I would pick as the next big thing in music you can check him out here... ", Where?

  4. Where can I buy Michelle Izmaylov's books?
