
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Babes in Bikinis

I have been to beaches all over the world and I have seen all types of babes in bikinis but I would have to say that the beaches in New England have one of the oddest things that has ever prowled the sand, super wrinkly people wearing bikinis.

Old people play on the beaches in California and in Florida but there is a bit of difference. While I am not a big fan of liposuction or snipping (in these cases hedge sheers are used) and tucking rolls of wrinkled skin it is nice to have this done to women who demand to wear skimpy clothing while standing anywhere around me. The fact is old antiquated men seem not to have the need to show their wonderfully wrinkled rears to the world.

There is something really wrong when a woman who is a member of AARP dresses like she is starring at the local strip club. While the want to be stripper may actually have clothing on the wrinkles tend to cover up any evidence of cloth on the body. I am not  a pure prude but there is a limit on what should be acceptable in public.

I think that all people should go out to enjoy the sand, surf and sun but I respectfully request that if your body is less attractive then week old road kill that you wear something that does not flaunt it. I know I am not one to be speaking of looking great but I promise not to wear a Speado in public if the wrinkled people promise to do the same.


  1. Seacows are another big problem.

    Glad to see you back Michael


  2. I forgot how funny you were Michael!!!

  3. I think modesty should be for all regardless of age or gender or size.

  4. There comes a certain age where a one-piece suit is the only one women should wear. I believe it should be 3 years of age and beyond.

  5. ROFL I agree with you, Michael :) awf

  6. OMG I know I don't wanna see a whole bunch of wrinkley butts I get enough of that from my Grammy.JK but very funny michael
