
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Viking Pride

I have always found it amusing that people of all races and cultures try so hard to make their ancestors sound like saints who never did any wrong. I on the other hand take pride in the fact that my forefathers were absolute monsters that pillaged towns and took the women for their own. These were not nice guys but it did help create blue eyed people from the middle east through Africa, Europe and into the Americas.

While I am glad we of the Nordic Aryan nations have finally turned out to be nice guys it is still good to know that we are capable of conquering whom ever we wish. This might all sound nasty and mean but the fact is I love the truth more then some fairy tale about great kingdoms and civilizations where there were none. There is no reason to claim huge kingdoms of advanced people where there were not any.

After all is said and done I love the stamina, strength and blue eyes that my people of old gave me. We may not have had the great art, cities and other stuff that people feel like they have to make up but we did have the toughest of men.

Since I will be traveling for the next few weeks I have invited a young lady to help with the blog. Susanna will be making some posts so please do not blame her for the bizarre stuff I write. She is a beautiful, conservative business woman who has much more to say then I do so I hope you enjoy her blogs while Judy and I are off to do our stuff.


  1. Are you and Judy getting married?

  2. Very interesting things happened in Oregon today. It is too bad that you were not here to witness it. In any case, God bless you and Judy while your travel. It is always good to have a way to get away from the realities of life.

  3. I heard about it but what is funny is the person (my stalker) does not realize that there was a legal delay. It will be great when reality hits her square between the eyes because I for one love reality and do not need to play role playing game to pass my time away.

  4. Have safe and wonderful trip.

  5. ~~~~~~~Leave the past in the past~~~It is time for you my friend to move forward !!!
