
Sunday, June 27, 2010


I always have been able to do this odd little trick. I can read upside down, in a mirror image or even the correct right side up way equally as well. This has never been a problem and is actually is pretty cool trick but there are also some strangeness that goes along with this trick.

I can read VERY fast with 100% comprehension and retention but I have never been able to spell very well. This has always seemed strange to my teachers and even my parents  but to me it seemed normal. In the age of word processors the problem has not been as bad as it could be because spell checkers have helped pickup where my weakness is. I still do write and speak "backwards" sometimes.

A couple of days ago I was speaking to a young lady who is going to college to become a school teacher. Ari, a brilliant young women, is one of those people who seems to have been created to be the perfect teacher. We started talking and I was telling her about my odd behavior when she started asking me questions in a rapid manner.

Ari was never pushy but instead allowed me to try and explain each answer. She stopped me in the middle of one of my answers and she said that I might want to check out to see if I had dyslexia. I did a little research on this suggestion and amazingly this 20 year old "kid" had figured out something about me that I never had known. No teacher, parent or adult had understood while growing up this "problem" existed with in me.

The fact is this blog is nothing more then a way for me to let others know that we adults do not have all of the answers. It was a little hard to listen and actually learn from a young one but I am now better equipped with knowledge then I have been before. I would love to hear other adults email me stories of how they have learned something from "kids". It is time for we adults to realize that young people are not all idiots and even now they can add to the betterment of our lives and the world.

Thanks Ari..... you will be a great school teacher and even today you are teaching me things about myself.

1 comment:

  1. She sounds like a bright lady, I hope she does well.

