
Monday, February 15, 2010

Last Thoughts

I know that many people will be surprised that I had any thoughts in the first place. Theses are my last thoughts on Valentines Day and what people have said about it today. It never ceases to amaze me how we as humans put value on days of no count but we also are willing to devalue a day that does not fit our ego.

Guys, we get off easy because women know we are as dumb as dirt when it comes to the art of romance. Every guy I know wants to think they can turn on the romance and sweep any woman off her feet but the truth is we are just idiots living in a world where the women are Einsteins. This does not give us an excuse to have blown the day and ignored our loved ones but it appears that some guys at least tried to do this.

When a guy told me that he just was not in to this manufactured day and he did not send flowers, get a card or even make an overt effort to show his girl how wonderful she was I knew that either that guy did not have a girl for Valentines Day or he did but this morning she told him to get lost. Guys try and explain why we did not do anything at all for the ones we love but it just does not work out.

Even worse is the guy who explained how he bought three dozen roses, $100 worth of chocolate and a very expensive dinner for his wife. This all sounded really great till I asked him when was the last time he bought roses for his wife. The idiot actually admitted that he skipped last Valentines Day but he had bought her a dozen roses the year before that.

Ladies, time to let the boot of love kick you around a bit ( with phrases like that you may understand why I HAVE to move from Oklahoma).  A women explained that "my love is not store bought" and of course we all know this means that nobody bought this poor girl anything to show them they cared. There was a lady that told me she had nothing from her husband from yesterday but she did not care because she knew he loved her. This piqued my interest and she explained that he was in Afghanistan and had been out of communication for several days. I do suppose this guy had a great excuse and I admired him for what he was doing.

Here are the facts, Valentines Day should only be a day to remind us of how we are to treat those we love every day all year round. I did not have a Valentine gal this year but I also had more ways that I was shown how special I was. I was honestly stunned at how special I was made to feel and realize I have to do much more next year in return.

I do hope that you had a great Valentines Day and you showed love as well as  received love from people important to you. Tomorrow I shall return to a more normal blog...... I think.


  1. Terrific!! I especially like the part about showing your significant other, family and friends how much you love them EVERY DAY! Having lost three family members in 2009, within 6 months...that fact was brought home to me the hard way!! Love the best you can, as often as you can, in all the ways you can...'cause you never know when you won't get another chance. :)

  2. Love what you wrote! It is the "little" things that a man does for a woman on a regular basis that truly makes her feel loved and appreciated.
    I was so emtionally moved when my guy mailed me a beautiful card with words that were so brought tears to my eyes. He sent a little box of candy too but the card meant so much more because I knew he put what limited time he has into it.
    I was also felt so valued because he drove 5 hours to spend the Valentine Weekend with me.
