
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Optimist is a Bad Word ?

Today I was talking to a "friend", I have 100's if not 1000's of people who call me friend but in reality I have 10 or so real friends. The "friends" are  people who really do not understand the concept of friendship. You accept a person as they are, the good and the bad. This "friend" always seems to be prying for dirt and is always saying the most outrageous stuff not just about me but all of his other "friends" as well.

Our conversation started off with how great things were going for me, how I looked forward to each new day knowing in my heart that ultimately my life will be better for each thing that would happen. He explained to me that his life stunk and was a miserable mess and I should be depressed with my life as well. I normally do not really listen to this guy because he has nothing good to say but this idea that I should be depressed caught my attention.

I asked him what he meant about me needing to be depressed. He explained that in the last three months of my life I had my fiance dump me for a married guy, four close people die, reconstructing my business, rumors galore about me, loss of a huge business contract, moving to a city where I do not know anyone and now my grandmother is in serious condition with her heart. These are all true statements but I did wonder how he was able to reel off the list so quickly when I would have had to think a few seconds myself to come up with the list.

He then said something that I really found strange, considering my strange friends that means something. He said "Everyone thinks your biggest problem is you are too big of an optimist". I never really thought of myself as an optimist but I would normally take that as a compliment and not some derogatory label. "Optimist" I said. He replied that I do not know what is really going on and live in some ivory tower where the real world does not bother me. This made my brain squish into weird shapes inside of my skull as I tried to comprehend what he meant.

I realized that instead of being angry with this poor soul I should feel sorry for him. My joy is not found in people, things or events but my joy is found in what God has given me. The earth can come to an end tomorrow and I would find terror, horror, sorrow and a great sense of loss but I would still have joy. No man, woman, government, event or circumstance can ever take that away from me. The only way that I can lose joy is if I willingly give it up and I do not plan on doing that any time soon.

As bad things happen in my life I will still have hope that tomorrow will be better. This "friend" has already given up his future and blames fate and other people for all of his problems.

Optimist.... not a bad word. Bad things have happened and bad things will happen in the future. I have given myself to God so I know that even through bad times there will be great things gained and learned. If you want to call me a bad name I suggest you do not call me optimist because I will take that as a compliment.

There is no fate, just what we do with our lives. Take the bad with the good but remember that when you have passed through a dark valley if you did not bring something with you from that experience then you failed in living life to the fullest.

By the way, I picked the photo for this blog because I love hockey and I want a monkey. It is my blog and I figured it was about time to have a hockey playing monkey as the photo.


  1. A man after mine own heart. : )
    How glad I am that your Mom directs me from my Facebook news-page over to your epistles. Thank you, sir. Glad to be getting to know yourself! : )
    Ma Sands

  2. There are many people like your "friend" and most of them are sad and look to blame other people for their problems. David Sanders

  3. Michael, I am glad that you are an optimist. You give me hope and I love reading your blogs. It's people like you who are changing my outlook on life, one post at a time! Thank you :-) AWF

  4. Your post touched my heart, Michael. I, too, am going through a rather turbulent time and yet I know that this too shall pass. I've always (or at least tried) to look on the bright side and find the good in things that happen that are beyond our control. It's so sad that too many people simply cannot see that they may have had something to do with the negativity in their life and instead try to blame others.

    Keep up the good work! Florence needs you!
    Jacquie B

  5. Michael,

    Never lose your eternal sense of optimism.. it will continue to keep you light in spirit when the unavoidable bumps of life happen. And the positive & upbeat light you share with others helps brighten their day. =)

    Tell your glummy gus friend that always frowning causes premature wrinkles too.. lol

    God Bless,
    Julie L

  6. Life will always work out for good if you're looking for a good ending. 1- Better to know your fiancee wasn't committed before the wedding; 2- Four close friends' memories can keep you happy and probably laughing in trying times, plus make great stories to entertain your new girl friends; 3- Your mind was kept busy reconstructing your business, showing yourself how incredible you are; 4- Rumors mean people are thinking of you and that you're not far from their thoughts, EVEN if those thoughts are not good ones . . . any publicity is good publicity [lol]; 5- You lost a business contract but are optimistic that when one door closes another one will open and it'll be better than the one that closed; 6- Moving to a new city gives you an opportunity to visit interesting sites in the city and to make new acquaintances [or friends], join some new groups that have similar interests as yours and take some fantastic photos; 7- You know your grandmother loves you and prays for your success in life. If she passes away, you can still talk to her and ask her to bring your petitions straight to the Heavenly Throne of God. Now how cool is that?

    Optimism means we're not putting stress on our hearts and bodies over things we do not have the power to change. Why would anyone think that's bad? Grab that 1/2 empty glass and yell: Fill 'er Up Again!
