
Friday, February 5, 2010

My 5 Worst Traits

I was up late again last night talking with a  new friend and in the middle of our conversation, I had to take my computer down to upgrade. While I was toiling away I started wondering what things would I want to hide from this person about myself. So, being the smart guy I am I decided to write down a list of what I perceived to be my baddest of bad traits and then air them publicly. It actually is a good thing to do (not necessarily showing them to the world but to make your own list).

1. I really do have a HUGE ego, so much as I honestly do not care what most people think of me. This is probably why I even write this blog and use so much honesty. I can stand in front of someone and be berated and it does not bother me one iota.

2. When I tell somebody something I assume they understood that what I said is exactly what I meant. This sounds like a good thing but I have really hurt loved ones to the core of their soul because most people use nuances to describe a feeling and I do not.

3. Many people I actually care about assume that my relationship with them is too business like.... the upside to this is that many business associates think that I have a real personal relationship with them and all I really care about is the contract. If I offer to help you in any way and I ask for nothing in return then understand that I count you as a true friend.

4. I over schedule to the point that I never hit target dates nor do I accomplish all meetings that are expected of me. This is a big problem for me and I really am trying to do better......:)

5. I am a political animal who always sees everything in black and white. The creation of this blog is one of my forms of rehabilitation forcing me to write about things outside of the political spectrum.

Ok, I spilled my guts and really I do not expect anyone to care about what I wrote but I do think it is a good idea to sit down and try to figure out what things are your worst traits. When you do you then will know what you need to work on. Yes, I know, most people would have come up with a completely different list of my problems but I am sticking to this one because I have a HUGE ego and I really do not care what you think.  :-)


  1. What a wonderful thing you did here Michael, sharing yourself so openly. I can relate to #2 because 'someone' (who will remain nameless) treats me this way and I know what it feels like to be hurt to the core of my soul. In my case it is to the extreme tho and I am getting to the point I don't care, so in essence, the relationship is dying. But I gave it a shot and some of it was a wasted 10 years.

    But this is not about me (tho I felt I should share this with you), I love reading your posts on FB and you have a really good knack at writing. You're a wonderful DAD and to me, seem like a great person I would like to know (in person). I am very happy I found your blog and I am following it both here on FB Blogs. I have one here (MsTweetie) but haven't really written much on it, if anything. But I am following quite a few and get some good news bits from it on a regular basis.

    You keep on doing what you're doing. Whomever you end up with will be one lucky woman. I like to feel that in my "Golden Years", I will find mine. They will be very lucky due to my capacity to love. My 'picker's' been broken for way too long and hopefully the next one will find me when I'm not expecting it. Love your Blog! Keep writin' and I'll keep followin'. Tweet Tweet!

  2. Everyone needs and should spend some time getting acqauainted with their true self.But few do. That is why I am AMAZED and fascinated by the level of introspection you possess! You seem to be a unique and wonderful human being, dad, and man! Airam

  3. Airam, you do know that you were the friend that made me start thinking about what my problems were. I guess I did not want to start a friendship with these big things hanging in the back ground....:)
