
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crunchy Coffee

I love coffee, the aroma, the acrid taste of a dark roasted cup of java morning, noon or night it is just a great thing to behold. Today I had an experience that reminded me how wonderful a specific form of this liquid delight could be. I highly suggest you do what ever you can to enjoy this drink of the gods.

I had a fantastic lunch of wonders of the middle east and headed over to a friends house to just chat before I leave the state for a few days. We talked about this and that, just catching up on gossip about ourselves (I seem to have more gossip about me then most people) and she offered to make me some Turkish coffee. I have had it in the past but it has been WAY to long so I jumped at the chance.

Let me explain a little about Turkish coffee, it is made by taking extremely fine ground coffee and dumping it into a pan of boiling water. You boil the stuff till it becomes a thick liquid that does not really slosh around. You then pour the cups and have to wait a few minutes to let the grounds settle to the bottom of your cup and then .... presto it is time to drink up. The little 2-3 oz cup would be equal to about 6 espresso shots so you do sip it and enjoy it slowly.

We continued our chat about all the horrible things I have done, am doing or I am going to do ( I really wish I was able to do all of those things but the image of myself that other people have of me will live the life I wish I actually lived). We drank 3 cups a piece and we both started getting a bit pumped by the coffee, I then realized we had consumed the totality of the coffee and thought that it was probably not smart to make a new batch because I do like my heart pumping inside of my chest and not bouncing off the walls instead.

This left me to do what any red blooded American would do. I poured the sludge from the pan and tried to drink the tar looking goo. This did incite a fit of choking and gagging till I learned that you could take a spoon and eat the stuff like oatmeal, it was a bit crunchy but I do believe that coffee should be crunchy now. This is life, great company and coffee goo to consume, chew and enjoy.

Maybe if I were not single I would have been smart enough not have done this but at this point of my life I am now a Turkish coffee goo fanatic. I think I might go to sleep sometime in February but till then I will savor my day.


  1. I've been drinking hot tea and honey all day, upper respiratory thing for over a week. Honey makes me feel so much better! Keep up the fight, keep the faith! VN8

    So glad I found your blog via FB!

  2. Thanks, and hot tea and honey does help. Do take care of yourself.
