
Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Jew, a Muslim and a Christian walk into a bar.

A Jew, a Muslim and a Christian walk into a bar. Okay, it was not a bar but that sounds so much better as a standard set up for a joke. I went to breakfast with three friends, each one had a different personal faith, while this is not the first time we all have gone out together it was the first time that I ever really thought that we were such an odd mixture of people to most of the rest of the world.

Since we are all guys we talked about guy stuff such as American football, kids, women, weekend stuff and of course current affairs. I do understand that this blog is a no politics area so I am stepping lightly. We ended up talking about terrorist who seem to be willing to die for either their God or for pure hatred, we all understood that today most terrorist activity is accomplished by Muslims but it was my Jewish friend who pointed out that the last couple of decades are filled with groups that were not Muslim who went around blowing people up.

The conversation twisted and turned till we arrived at the wonderful man who stuffed explosives in his underwear believing that when he blew off his manhood God would reward him with 72 Virgins which Amir at that time pointed out that if that was true then the stupid guy would end up living with 72 women who would be virgins for eternity meaning they would not be happy.

We all agreed that American football is great, kids are great, women are confusing and current affairs are ridicules. We decided that the next time we would add a Hindu and a Buddhist to the mixture and when I asked about an atheist the other 3 said a resounding no. Atheist seem to be the only religious group that is completely intolerant of any other belief....... not sure that is true but with this bunch I am not the leader but just one of the herd.

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