
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hate My Blogs?

I really do not feel like writing a blog today. I did have a great time yesterday, I met new friends, old friends and snooped around town. I do have to say that even the underbelly of Florence is great but this still does not inspire me to write about my day so instead I am writing the anti-blog. I will simply make a short list of things that did not happen to me instead of what did happen then I can get on with my day.

1) I have not had a date with Bigfoot.... Yet

2) I did not become the latest lead singer of Van Halen

3) I did not hold a sign up while standing by the side of the street that said "will dance for food"

4) I did not become mayor of the great metropolitan area of Florence

5) I did not run down the 101 naked and screaming that the giant bugs are coming.

This is a short list of things I did not do  yesterday. Today does give me another chance though so if you see me holding a sign wanting to dance for food I hope you will stop and get me a burger... I will warn you though that I do not dance well.


  1. Miss and love you mikey...DRH

  2. I would rather see you do the naked run =-)

  3. Seeing you act like an insane homeless person or seeing you run naked? I would vote for the naked run


  4. Glad you enjoyed your day, Michael! Continue to have fun and be blessed! :o)

  5. Saw your folks yesterday. . . I'm now the proud owner of "Ginger" whom we've renamed James. :) You know of whom I speak. :)
