
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Watching Roaches Can Be Fun

I love my life, the city I live in, my friends, my family and my job... life could not get any better. Many people know how hard of a time I had over the last few months but I can honestly say that I came out the other side better, happier and closer to God. I would not have dreamed that my life would be so perfect today back in January. I am happy, content and ready to rule the world of my creation.

The thing I take satisfaction in ( I probably should not ) is that there was a  small group of people that targeted me and made it their goal in life to make me miserable. In the time of their declared war against me I never did go after them with the intent of doing permanent damage even though they declared the desire to do me great harm. It was VERY frustrating and even a bit unnerving when I was being threatened that they would use guns.

The wonderful thing about being a child of God and actually praying is that God does answer prayer. As these miscreants made threats, lied about me and even went to my FB friends and told lies I actually prayed for them. Then something strange started happening, spouses started divorcing them, jobs were lost, business deals started going away for them and many other bad things occurred.

I was a bit nervous about a couple of them because while I moved away from almost next door from one of these people I was moving in to the same area as two others. I was threatened and was even told my daughter was not going to be safe but the strangeness continued. Just like roaches when the light is turned on these people have vanished. They no longer are threatening me nor are they even to be seen. The mother of one of them has even ran off and hid on FB instead of the expected threats.

My life could not be better because those who claimed to be great Christians could not face the fire of the truth. The scurried off like the roaches that they were imitating. The simple fact is that prayer, God and the truth makes human bugs run and hide because they will not survive the cleansing power of honesty. I am proud (yes I know I probably should not be) that I never did back down when they attacked but stood firm knowing that the truth was on my side. They may show their face once again but the truth will  always be the proverbial boot that squishes those who cannot handle simple facts.

Just in case you did not know it ... I love Florence Oregon!!


  1. I love florence too... and no matter what..."the truth will out"

  2. ~~~AMEN~~~~Satan will always try to break you down, but you have the great protection of GOD around you.<3<3<3.

  3. Sweetheart, we stood together through the ups and downs in our lives and I know that I have never seen you happier.


  4. What a wonderful testimony of God's power and the power and strength of prayer! I'm so glad everything worked out for you. Yes, I do believe we are all convinced you REALLY, REALLY LOVE Florence, Oregon - LOL. Hope you always do.


  5. I am so glad that these people are finally leaving you alone, Michael! I'm also glad that you love your new hometown! :-) awf
